JulyХудеем дома
Group Program
Хватит искать чудо-диету. Я научу худеть вкусно, правильно и без голода.
Я, дипломированный фитнес тренер и нутрициолог, подберу именно для тебя подходящее питание и размер порций.
А если быть точнее, ты сам(а) будешь выбирать любимые продукты, на которых сможешь похудеть!
Санкт-Петербург, 28 years old
7 stages (steps) of the program
After the payment you will receive an invitation to join a closed group.
Connecting goals
Connecting goals
The coach provides background info in a live meeting or a webinar format.
Walkthrough process
Post your reports in the goal diary every day, the coach reviews them and gives his recommendations and advice. If you miss a report, then you get dropped out.
Intercommunication with like-minded people
You can chat and see other participants’ progress in their goal achieving.
Home assignments
Do your homework to consolidate the material
For whom
- Для тех, кто хочет увидеть просвет между ляшками и НЕ хочет видеть обвисший живот.
you will get
- Более стройное тело
- Полезные пищевые привычки
- Знания о том, как худеть
Terms and conditions
of goals in the program
Report is to be made on 1 goal at least every day
Mandatory condition – outside preparation (homework)
In case of rule violation — dropout
SmartProgress acts as a guarantor of the deal security.
In case of providing low-quality services by a coach, the entire amount will be returned to your internal account. When paying directly to a coach - SmartProgress’ warranty is invalid.
You can apply for a refund before the end of the program, after completing the program your payment will be transferred to the coach.
1.66 $
1 day Free