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For the first sub step I'll be taking some notes about a few things from article every day. I don't want to concentrate only on planning task, because I could step into "planing paralysis" and do noth
Master's degree research on "Modular development of person-oriented information system components" 0 -
So, I use Google.Scholar for searching of articles related to my study - most of the time it's enough, but sometimes I have to search through [your search engine] to find some article which isn't avai
Master's degree research on "Modular development of person-oriented information system components" 1 -
Курс оч понравился - захотелось и читать, и писать и еще раз читать)))
HOW TO READ A MIND (курс от FutureLearn) 0 -
Soft-assembling a personalityThere is a rather old-fashioned but persistent view in psychology that presents personality as being fixed, usually at the end of adolescence, into a series of traits. In
HOW TO READ A MIND (курс от FutureLearn) 0