Etapa 1

Launch beta version

10 mayo—12 mayo


Etapa 1

Launch beta version

10 mayo—12 mayo

09 mayo 2015
Objetivo completado 15 junio 2015

Launch website for profdy.com startup

I've founded a startup in totally new industry for me. I've been working in IT over 20 years and finally realized that I'm missing real human-to-human communications. The moment I got this thought, I have decided to build my next business only if I'm gonna be involved to a human-to-human communications.

For this project, it's all about business development for me. It's local business, here in Vancouver, BC, Canada. So it's all about local connections and networking now.

 Criterio del fin

Website launched and accepting new orders smoothly

 Recursos personales

Time, Focus, Management Skills

  1. Launch beta version

    But before I got to my ultimate goal, I have to finally launch our website. It's been in development for over two months with different developers involved.

    I'm now dedicating more time and pushing to launch it by May 15th, 2015!

    Profdy: cleaning services in Vancouver

    1. complete ordering process

    2. payment processing

    3. user registration

    4. promote to production

    5. cleanup / update all static pages

    6. test live website

    7. present it to my partners

    8. recurring orders

  • 1071
  • 09 mayo 2015, 21:30

Las posibilidades
están ilimitadas.
Es la hora
de descubrir las suyas

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