Etapa 1

Getting Started...


Etapa 2

Stage 1


Etapa 3

Stage 2


Etapa 4

Stage 3


Etapa 5

Stage 4


Etapa 6

Stage 5


Etapa 7

Stage 6


Etapa 8

Stage 7


Etapa 9

Stage 8


Etapa 10

Stage 9


Etapa 1

Getting Started...


Etapa 2

Stage 1


Etapa 3

Stage 2


Etapa 4

Stage 3


Etapa 5

Stage 4


Etapa 6

Stage 5


Etapa 7

Stage 6


Etapa 8

Stage 7


Etapa 9

Stage 8


Etapa 10

Stage 9

10 mayo 2015

El objetivo está desatendido

El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 9 años 3 días

Creatividad y Aficiones

Научиться играть на гитаре

Давно хотел научиться играть на гитаре и даже купил гитару, но все еще на уровне одного аккорда. Попробую это изменить

Нашел здесь цель https://smartprogress.do/goal/91277/, решил попробовать пройти тот же курс

Английский у меня далек от нормы, но там есть субтитры, думаю справлюсь

Сам курс: http://www.justinguitar.com/en/BC-000-BeginnersCourse.php

 Criterio del fin

Пройден Justin's Beginners Guitar Course

  1. Getting Started...

    1. Common beginners questions answered

    2. What guitar should you buy?

    3. What guitar accessories do you need?

    4. Guitar Anatomy

    5. Make the most of your practice time

    6. Body Posture and Finger Placement

    7. Picks, how to choose one and hold it

    8. How To Read TAB and Chord Boxes

    9. Get your guitar in tune

  2. Stage 1

    1. The D Chord

    2. The A Chord

    3. The E Chord

    4. Anchor Fingers for A, D and E

    5. 1 Minute Changes

    6. 4:4 all down rhythm

    7. Easy Songs for Stage 1

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 1 Practice Schedule

  3. Stage 2

    1. The Amin Chord

    2. The Emin Chord

    3. The Dmin Chord

    4. 1 minute Changes

    5. Introducing the metronome

    6. Foot tapping

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 2

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 2 Practice Schedule

  4. Stage 3

    1. The G Chord

    2. The C Chord

    3. Names Of Open Strings

    4. 1 minute Changes

    5. Basic Finger Workout

    6. Rhythm Guitar Basics 1

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 3

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 3 Practice Schedule

  5. Stage 4

    1. G7, C7, B7 Chords

    2. The F Maj7 Chord

    3. The A Chord again...

    4. 1 minute Changes

    5. Forcing The Changes

    6. Rhythm Guitar Basics 2

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 4

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 4 Practice Schedule

  6. Stage 5

    1. A7, D7, E7 Chords

    2. The Note Circle

    3. Air Changes

    4. 1 minute Changes

    5. Triplet Rhythms

    6. Rhythm Guitar Basics 3

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 5

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 5 Practice Schedule

  7. Stage 6

    1. The Dreaded F Chord

    2. 1 minute Changes

    3. Using a Capo

    4. "Action" and basic guitar set up guide

    5. Rhythm Guitar Basics 4

    6. Picking Individual Strings

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 6

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 6 Practice Schedule

  8. Stage 7

    1. Notes In The Open Position

    2. Power Chords 1

    3. A Sus2/4 and D Sus2/4 Chords, Esus4

    4. 1 minute changes

    5. Rhythm Guitar Basics 5

    6. Minor Pentatonic Scale

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 7

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 7 Practice Schedule

  9. Stage 8

    1. G Chord Variations

    2. 1 minute Changes

    3. 12 Bar Blues Style

    4. Basic Fingerstyle Exercise

    5. Minor Pentatonic Picking Exercise

    6. Power Chords 2

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 8

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Stage 8 Practice Schedule

  10. Stage 9

    1. Easy Slash Chords

    2. Power Chord Shifts and Palm Mutes

    3. Applied Fingerstyle Patterns

    4. 12 Bar Blues Variations

    5. Minor Pentatonic Pattern

    6. Basic Blues Improvisation

    7. Easy Songs For Stage 9

    8. JUSTIN training exercises

    9. Consolidation Test and Practice Schedule BC-998 • JUSTIN Answer Page

  • 2077
  • 10 mayo 2015, 17:22

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