Етап 1

To do all the exercises from Module #10


Етап 2

To do all the exercises from Module #11


Етап 3

To do all the exercises from Module #12


Етап 4

To do all the exercises from Module #13


Етап 5

To do all the exercises from Module #14


Етап 6

To do all the exercises from Module #15


Етап 7

To get the level #15 in Lingualeo


Етап 1

To do all the exercises from Module #10


Етап 2

To do all the exercises from Module #11


Етап 3

To do all the exercises from Module #12


Етап 4

To do all the exercises from Module #13


Етап 5

To do all the exercises from Module #14


Етап 6

To do all the exercises from Module #15


Етап 7

To get the level #15 in Lingualeo

22 липня 2015 01 серпня 2015
Ціль прострочена на 3338 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 9 років 15 днів

Автор мети

Nina Drokina

Україна, Киев

9 Рік / року / років


To raise my level of English to Intermidiate

Unfortunately, now I don’t have practice of speaking English, so I decided to set a goal - to remember it. At the university I spoke English fluently. Besides, I took part in a lot of foreign projects. So, from the beginning of June I start to study the level Pre-Intermidiate. I choose the Cutting Edge because there is free access to the workbook and other materials online. I couldn't find the edition of Face to Face I was advised to use. For today I’ve finished 9 units, the goal for July - to finish the course. I plan the following activities:

1)1-2 hours to spend on doing tasks of the module;

2)After each module to make notes in English.

3)To create my own dictionary of words that I don’t know, to create the sentences with these words, to revise unknowing words during the day;

4)To install the application LingeLeo, to register and start to work with the dictionary there.

5)To speak English with my friends, who are also learning English.

 Критерій завершення

All 15 modules of Cutting edge (Pre-Intermidiate) have done

  1. To do all the exercises from Module #10

  2. To do all the exercises from Module #11

  3. To do all the exercises from Module #12

  4. To do all the exercises from Module #13

  5. To do all the exercises from Module #14

  6. To do all the exercises from Module #15

  7. To get the level #15 in Lingualeo

  • 1623
  • 22 липня 2015, 15:49


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