
Цель была создана 15 июля, а завершена 08 сентября. В сумме я работала над этой целью 3 недели в июле, 2 недели в августе, 2 недели в сентябре. Итого 7 недель.
Выводы: навыки Reading and Speaking стали лучше. Благодаря Гарри Поттеру и ЛингваЛео изучила новые слова, просмотр сериала не дал особых результатов, наверное стоит останавливать и переводить каждое непонятное слово, фразу, а не так как я делала: просто наслаждалась происходящим, смотря на субтитры. Спасибо этой цели!
Дневник цели

Today I have learned a lot of materials from LinguaLeo and reached the 20 level!!!
Reached level 20!
Started to study the texts «Albert Einstein», «ENJOY», «Albert Einstein`s quote», «The child and his mother:», «How To Learn English!», «Lost Boy», «Love and Time», «Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup».
Started to study the video «Hallelujah. Shrek», «American and British accents», «Improve your vocabulary Synonyms for "small" in English», «5 Common English Learner Mistakes», «Love Language», «Jim Carrey - I believe I can fly», «Vocabulary - Talking about MOVIES in English», «Validation smile», «Elina Born &Stig Rasta - Goodbye To Yesterday», «Status Quo In The Army Now».
Passed lesson «Первая часть» of the course «Рифмовки. Неправильные глаголы».
Liked the video «Validation smile», «Elina Born &Stig Rasta - Goodbye To Yesterday».
Started the course «Рифмовки. Неправильные глаголы».

- videos «Learn English 5 'WORLD' Idioms», «Scorpions - Send me an Angel», «Nickelback - What Are You Waiting For? (Lyric Video)», «The Matrix - The Pill Scene», «The Police - Every Breath You Take», «"Some Like It Hot" Final scene - Nobody's perfect», «Silent letters».
the video «Nickelback - What Are You Waiting For? (Lyric Video)».
the texts «The Elephant and the Rope», «Father and Son». - 1 episod from Movie english

- Started to study the video «Articles», «Basic English Grammar - Can you find the errors?», «Cooking Vocabulary in English - chop, grill, saute, boil, slice...», «You are more beautiful than you think.».
Started to study the text «How 30 Minutes a Day Can Increase Your Intelligence». - 235 points

- Today I have reap the 6 Chapter of Harry Potter. This part is about The journey from platform and three quaters.
In this chapter Harry said goodbye to bloody-minded Dursley ans started his journey. At first, he could not realize where is the nessessary place for departing, but with helping Rons mother Harry found himself in right place. He was recognized by the Whesley, besides he travelled with his future friend Ron in the same compartment. In this chapter the author get acquinted us with other characters of book - Hermiona and Nevil. Boys were sitting in the compartment all journey and eating magic candy. In this time Draco came in the compartment. He offended Whesley amd there would be fighting, bur Rons rat helped out. In the end of chapter our herous arrived in Hogwarts, Hagrid met them.
- Started to study the video «How to Give Advice in English – recommend, suggest, advise, encourage».
Started to study the text «Motivational story». - 304 points

- Лингвалео
Started to study the video «IELTS &TOEFL - The easy way to improve your vocabulary for», «Real English - How to complain about a problem».
- MovieEnglish
1 video

I subscribed on Movie English on YouTube. It is a channel, that content on many videos. I hope I learn there a lot of new words and expression.
Reached level 19!
Started to study the video «Radioactive», «What my religion really says about women».

- ЛингваЛео 204 очка
- 5 часть Поттера прочитана и изучена

- 436 очков на Лео
- Читаю 5 часть Поттера
- Посмотрела 2 серии сериала
- 10 фразовых глаголов
- pick up, go on, get out, come on, come out, sit down, come back, go back, come in, look for

- Лео Started to study the video «Grammar How to ask questions correctly in English - Embedded Questions».