Etapa 1

Understanding JavaScript


Etapa 2

Organizing your code


Etapa 3

Testing your application


Etapa 4

Tools of the trade


Etapa 5

Performance and Profiling


Etapa 6

Securing your app


Etapa 7

Under the hood


Etapa 8

On the horizon


Etapa 1

Understanding JavaScript


Etapa 2

Organizing your code


Etapa 3

Testing your application


Etapa 4

Tools of the trade


Etapa 5

Performance and Profiling


Etapa 6

Securing your app


Etapa 7

Under the hood


Etapa 8

On the horizon

09 julio 2015

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Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find. This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we've found on the topic.

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Знания, профессионализм, деньги

  1. Understanding JavaScript

    1. Understanding JavaScript Function Invocation and "this"

    2. Common JavaScript "Gotchas"

    3. Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development

    4. Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

    5. Style Guide: A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript

    6. Code School: The JavaScript Path

    7. Eloquent JavaScript

    8. Effective JavaScript

  2. Organizing your code

    1. Designing Better JavaScript APIs

    2. Asynchronous JS: Callbacks, Listeners, Control Flow Libs and Promises

    3. I .promise() to show you .when() to use Deferreds

    4. JavaScript Promises

    5. JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth

    6. Single page apps in depth

    7. Can you help me understand the benefit of require.js?

    8. Journey From RequireJS to Browserify

    9. Client-Side Templating

    10. JavaScript Allongé

    11. JavaScript Patterns

    12. JavaScript Web Applications

  3. Testing your application

    1. Writing Testable Frontend Javascript Part 1 – Anti-patterns and their fixes

    2. Writing Testable JavaScript

    3. Make tests read like a book

    4. The Plight of Pinocchio: JavaScript's quest to become a real language

    5. Let's Code: Test-Driven JavaScript

    6. JavaScript Testing Recipes

  4. Tools of the trade

    1. Automating Your Front-end Workflow

    2. Discover DevTools

    3. Chrome Developer Tools

    4. "The Breakpoint" episodes

    5. Control the Complexity of Your JavaScript Functions with JSHint

  5. Performance and Profiling

    1. Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript

    2. Improving Web App Performance With the Chrome DevTools

    3. Jank Busters: Building Performant Web Apps

    4. Leaner, Meaner, Faster Animations with requestAnimationFrame

    5. How (not) to trigger a layout in WebKit

    6. High Performance Browser Networking

    7. High Performance JavaScript

  6. Securing your app

    1. Single Page Web App Security Cheat Sheet

    2. Frontend Security

    3. The Tangled Web

  7. Under the hood

    1. What the heck is the event loop anyway?

    2. How browsers work

    3. WebKit for Developers

    4. mö.js - explaining js vm in js

  8. On the horizon

    1. The Web Can Do That!?

    2. Overview of ECMAScript 6 features

    3. Deploying JavaScript Applications

    4. Immutability, interactivity & JavaScript

    5. Methods of communication

    6. The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing

    7. Components

    8. JavaScript Dependency Injection

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