Etapa 1

Part 1 - Core Spring (paradygm, beans, AOP) [128 pages]


Etapa 2

Part 2 - Spring on the web (Spring MVC, Web Flow, Security) [150 pages]


Etapa 3

Part 3 - Spring in the back end (JDBC, Persistence, Caching) [114 pages]


Etapa 4

Part 4 - Integrating Spring (web services, Messaging, JMX, emails, web sockets) [180 pages]


Etapa 1

Part 1 - Core Spring (paradygm, beans, AOP) [128 pages]


Etapa 2

Part 2 - Spring on the web (Spring MVC, Web Flow, Security) [150 pages]


Etapa 3

Part 3 - Spring in the back end (JDBC, Persistence, Caching) [114 pages]


Etapa 4

Part 4 - Integrating Spring (web services, Messaging, JMX, emails, web sockets) [180 pages]

15 octubre 2015
Objetivo completado 19 julio 2017

Autor del objetivo


Read "Spring in Action, 4th edition"

The book describes a popular Java framework - Spring. This is latest edition - published by Manning in 2014, 569 pages, in English

 Criterio del fin

last page is read

  1. Part 1 - Core Spring (paradygm, beans, AOP) [128 pages]

    1. Springing into action

    2. Wiring beans

    3. Advanced wiring

    4. Aspect-oriented Spring

  2. Part 2 - Spring on the web (Spring MVC, Web Flow, Security) [150 pages]

    1. Building Spring web applications

    2. Rendering web views

    3. Advanced Spring MVC

    4. Working with Spring Web Flow

    5. Securing web applications

  3. Part 3 - Spring in the back end (JDBC, Persistence, Caching) [114 pages]

    1. Hitting the database with Spring and JDBC

    2. Persisting data with object-relational mapping

    3. Working with NoSQL databases

    4. Caching data

    5. Securing methods

  4. Part 4 - Integrating Spring (web services, Messaging, JMX, emails, web sockets) [180 pages]

    1. Working with remote services

    2. Creating REST APIs with Spring MVC

    3. Messaging in Spring

    4. Messaging with WebSocket and STOMP

    5. Sending email with Spring

    6. Managing Spring beans with JMX

    7. Simplifying Spring development with Spring Boot

  • 2691
  • 15 octubre 2015, 10:50

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