Мета закинута
Автор не відписував в цілі 9 років
Update iOS Game - Дурак
Update and Fix all the old bugs of Existing iOS game. Дурак - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/durak/id675032455?mt=8
Add new functionality.
Критерій завершення
Submit to App Store
Особисті ресурси
iOS Developer, Time, Experience
Refactoring & Bug Fixing
I neet to update all frameworks and pods for newest iOS.
Rewrite all the Menu ViewControllers logic
Rewrite Helper classes for local network play.
Change the order of next player activation #26
Fix Perevodnoi
Read about Ads networks and choose the One
Russian adMediation Networks include CSI
Add levels.
- 935
- 03 листопада 2015, 20:22
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