
Well, it was easier than I thought. 10 km in one hour was a more difficult task. In future I will renew the goal by doing 500 floors, perhaps in one hour

Дневник цели

350 stairs climbed - goal complete
56 minutes

perhaps I will finish the goal tomorrow. I will see. I did legs on Thursday. Feeling a bit weak

I will set the benchmark for 350 floors. I guess one hour will be enough. Hope to achineve this goal this week.

270 floors complete
approx 47 minutes

230 floors - 39 minutes

200 floors - done (43 minutes). It was easy but very slow. Next time I will try to do 230 floors in 43 minutes.

I had a work out today. I have only tested the stair climbing machine. I burned some 300 Kkal. This week I need to climb 180 or 200 floors