Step 1

Week 1 - Introduction to the course and graphs


Step 2

Week 2 - Class design and simple graph search


Step 3

Week 3 - Finding shortest paths in weighted graphs


Step 4

Week 4 - Route planning and NP-hard graph problems


Step 5

Week 5 - End of Course Project Extension


Step 1

Week 1 - Introduction to the course and graphs


Step 2

Week 2 - Class design and simple graph search


Step 3

Week 3 - Finding shortest paths in weighted graphs


Step 4

Week 4 - Route planning and NP-hard graph problems


Step 5

Week 5 - End of Course Project Extension

14 December 2015 01 February 2016

Goal author


Pass the course "Advanced Data Structures in Java" on Coursera

The course (https://www.coursera.org/learn/advanced-data-structures) describes advanced features of Java data structures and proper usage of them. My current background regarding the topic - I am already familiar with essential algorithms and data structures (both - theoretical models and their implementation within Java Collections Framework) so would like to discover some new features and obtain more specific knowledge.

Nevertheless the course starts on Dec 21 I'm going to take it right after finishing the preceding one - https://www.coursera.org/learn/data-structures-optimizing-performance/home/welcome . I think this approach is much more logical than original proposed by the authors (the courses have equal date ranges)

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

all assignments solved

  1. Week 1 - Introduction to the course and graphs

  2. Week 2 - Class design and simple graph search

  3. Week 3 - Finding shortest paths in weighted graphs

  4. Week 4 - Route planning and NP-hard graph problems

  5. Week 5 - End of Course Project Extension

  • 2257
  • 14 December 2015, 20:57
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