Етап 1

Buy electronic components for experiments.


Етап 2

Frozen goal: Creation of own soldering station.

Дата початку: 18 грудня


Етап 3

Inventory my own electronic components.


Етап 4

Current goal: Create device based on simple Atmel MCU.


Етап 5

Make a power supply with adjustable voltage


Етап 1

Buy electronic components for experiments.


Етап 2

Frozen goal: Creation of own soldering station.

Дата початку: 18 грудня


Етап 3

Inventory my own electronic components.


Етап 4

Current goal: Create device based on simple Atmel MCU.


Етап 5

Make a power supply with adjustable voltage

17 грудня 2015

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 7 месяців 30 днів


Epic goal: To become an experienced electronics engineer.

Accumulate experience and knowledge for skillful use, repair and creation of electronics devices.

 Критерій завершення

1) Be able to repair the devices (firstly own tools).

2) Be able to construct a device (including with MCU and own code).

3) Be able to get profit with this (bring benefits to society).

  1. Buy electronic components for experiments.

  2. Inventory my own electronic components.

    I have some collection of electronic components (mostly Point-to-point construction). Also I have a lot of broken devices, eg motherboards (mostly Surface-mount technology). Please see the photos, I have attached.

    I think, I need to do inventory all electronic components (which really will be useful in the future) of it.

    I mean collect (do unsoldering, if required) and folded in the separate containers (with marks) and do record to catalogue (in DB, for example).

    It will be practice for soldering, the study of types of components, also components can be use in future. Besides one can say it's 'housecleaning'.

  3. Current goal: Create device based on simple Atmel MCU.

    1. Check the MCU and run a simple program (with LED)

    2. Explore UART to connect MCU to PC through RS-232.

  4. Make a power supply with adjustable voltage

  • 2724
  • 17 грудня 2015, 15:54


26.6 $


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