Get ready for the new work
I'm sorry for my bad english but i will use it on my new work place.
I should improve web development skills. I'll list knowledges i should know to reach my goal:
1) GWT framework
3) Spring(MVC/Security/Boot)
4)Apache Spark, MongoDB
5)Canvas,WebGL, Angular JS
Критерий завершения
My skills improved
Личные ресурсы
1) Books, Google
2) Time
3) Basic knowledges
Экологичность цели
If i want to work on my new workplace i should reach this goal
GWT Framework
I should recall information about GWT framework because i had only a little experience with it.
1) Read GWT in Action book
2) Watch gwt guide
3) Answer these questions:
- Java to Javascript compilation s First thing you must have heard about GWT is that it compiles Java code into JavaScript. But,
- How do you control the compilation, for example what gets compiled, and otherwise influence the compilation process?
- Are all Java language features available on client-side?
- What standard JRE libraries are available on the client-side?
- How GWT compiler optimize output for different browsers while still keeping the compiled output size small?
- And, offcourse, how do you use compiled javascript in your page?
-Deferred Binding what is it?
-Development mode what is it? Superdev mode
1) Spring in action book
2) Watch examples and Exercises on
Apache Spark , MongoDB
1) Apache spark tutorials
2) MongoDB
WebGL , Canvas
2) WebGL in GWT
3) Canvas GWT review , watch canvas tutorial on w3school
- 1375
- 22 декабря 2015, 22:56
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