Цель заброшена

Автор не отписывался в цели 8 лет 8 месяцев 25 дней


to improve my study skills so that i can get A grades for my Final year at University

I want to be able to improve my cgpa from 3.17 to at least cgpa of 4 within a year. i will study harder and also be more organised and disciplined .

I will prioritise my studies .
i will

1)I will find great motivating supportive study buddies and lecturers

2)I will read more

3)i will exercise more for a clearer mind.etc

4) I will have peace and quiet in my mind when i study even though my environment is not peaceful

5) i will stop my bad habits ; going on social media , or thinking too much about very unessary things , eating unhealthy food

6) I will stop comparing myself against others and focus on my self and compare against the person whom i was yesterday

7)i will improve my interests in studies by applying to real life and asking more questions in class

8) i will improve my attention span

9) i will cherish the internet at home and also take a good care of my laptop

10) i will be happy all the time

11) i will try different study methods to see which one fits me the best by the end of January

I know it is quite a lot of work to do but i am seeing this in a positive way . A small challenge and stepping stone.

I hope i can find motivating friends on Smartprogress who can support me with my goals.

 Критерий завершения

Get first class degree honour by the end of December 2016 when i graduate successfully

  • 847
  • 03 января 2016, 14:14


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