Etapa 1

01 Get To Know React


Etapa 2

02 React Core


Etapa 3

03 Build an Application with React


Etapa 1

01 Get To Know React


Etapa 2

02 React Core


Etapa 3

03 Build an Application with React

08 enero 2016 17 enero 2016
Objetivo completado 9 enero 2016

Autor del objetivo


Rusia, Москва

39 año / año / año


Освоить курс по React JS - [Udemy.com] React JS Quick Start

Это одна из моих целей по освоению современных инструментов разработки пользовательских интерфейсов

 Criterio del fin

Прошел все темы и выполнил все демо примеры/задачи

  1. 01 Get To Know React

    1. 001 What Is React

    2. 002 Getting Started Using React

  2. 02 React Core

    1. 001 React.createClass

    2. 002 React.createElement

    3. 003 React.render

    4. 004 Component Lifecycle Events

    5. 005 Component Lifecycle

  3. 03 Build an Application with React

    1. 001 Wireframing your application

    2. 002 Setup your development environment

    3. 003 Building Components Auths.jsx

    4. 004 Building Components Define.jsx

    5. 005 Building Components Store.jsx

    6. 006 Building Components history.jsx

    7. 007 Building Components navigation.jsx

    8. 008 Building Components workoutlog.jsx

    9. 009 Finalizing your application

  • 1369
  • 08 enero 2016, 11:20

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