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Освоить курс по React JS - [Udemy.com] React JS Quick Start
01 Get To Know React
02 React Core
03 Build an Application with React
Освоить курс [udemy.com] Build Web Apps with React JS and Flux
01: Introduction
02: Link to Github Repository
03: JSX Markup In Our Views
04: First Application - Basic Building Blocks
05: First Application - Creating a React Class
06: First Application - Showing Content
07: Exploring Props - Customizing Views
08: Exporing Props - Wiring Up Our Data
09: Composition - Views Within Views
10: Composition - Props Selection
11: Lists
12: Tooling - Breaking Up Our Code
13: Tooling - Applying NPM
14: Tooling - Exporting Code
15: Tooling - Gulpfile
16: Tooling - Final Refactor
17: Exploring State and Events - Purpose of State
18: Exploring State and Events - State Applied
19: Exploring State and Events - Bringing Button Back
20: Exploring State and Events - Adding Content
21: Exploring State and Events - Toggling Visibility
22: Exploring State and Events - Selecting Items
23: Firebase - Building From a New Start
24: Firebase - Firebase Signup and Integration
25: Firebase - Building Our Application Architecture
26: Firebase - Hooking Up Our Remote Datastore
27: Firebase - Scaffolding the Header
28: Firebase - Handling Form Inputs
29: Firebase - Pushing Data to Firebase
30: Firebase - Rendering a List of Items
31: Firebase - Waiting on Data Before Rendering
32: Firebase - Building Item Components
33: Firebase - Updating Data to the Remote Datastore
34: Firebase - Debugging Firebase Update
35: Firebase - Allowing Editing and Undoing
36: Firebase - Saving Edits
37: Firebase - Bulk Delete Data
38: Project Overview
39: Imgur API Overview
40: Imgur API in Detail
41: React Router Demo
42: Nesting Routes
43: Refactor to Separate Rendering and Routing
44: In-App Navigation
45: Implementing Fetch
46: Working with Fetch's Promise
47: Display a List of Topics
48: Fetching Data Naively
49: Working With Stores
50: Triggering Changes From a Store
51: Working with Actions
52: Recap of Flux Data Fetching
53: Routing with Parameters
54: Matching Parameters
55: Rendering Topics in the Header
56: React Router Helpers
57: Implementing Image Store
58: Refetching Data on Rerender
59: Scaffolding Image Previews
60: Filtering Image Data
61: Playing Videos on Mouseover
62: Showing a Play Button for Each Image
63: Adding an Image Stats Overlay
64: Scaffolding Image Detail
65: Fetching Single Records from a Store
66: Fetching Single Records from a Store Continued
67: Rendering an Image Detail
68: Actions With Multiple Methods
69: Listening to Many Changes in a Component
70: CSS Animations
71: Closing Comments and Next Steps
[udemy.com] Beginning ES6, The Next Generation of JavaScript
01 An Introduction to This Course
02 A Look at the ES6 Resources Available To You
03 What Is ES6: An Explanation
04 Diagram: What Is ES6
05 Understanding Babel, The JavaScript Compiler
06 Compiling ES6 on Your Workstation
07 ES6 Features: An Introduction
08 Classes & Inheritance
09 Template Strings
10 Destructuring
11 Default, Spread and Rest
12 Let and Const: The New Keywords
13 Bonus: ES6 in Brief PDF
14 ES6 Advanced Features Overview
15 Course Summary
16 ES6 Exercises Supplement
[udemy.com] JavaScript ES6 : The Next Level
01 Introduction and Basic Setup
02 Block Bindings
03 Arrow Functions
04 Parameters
05 Destructuring Parameters,Arrays and Objects
06 iterators
07 Generators
08 Collections
09 Template Strings
10 Promises
11 Classes
12 Modules
[tutsplus.com] Object-Oriented JavaScript With ES6
1.1 Introduction
2.1 Primitive Data Types
2.2 Creating Objects
3.1 The Factory Pattern
3.2 The JavaScript Data Type
3.3 The Class
3.4 Privacy
4.1 Parasitic Inheritance
4.2 Prototypal Inheritance
4.3 Class Inheritance
5.1 A Custom Event System
5.2 A Very Simple Toolbar
6.1 Conclusion
Пройти мини курс по React от hexlet.io
01 Виртуальный DOM
02 Компонент
03 Особенности JSX
04 Условные конструкции в JSX
05 Передача свойств в компоненты
06 Комбинирование компонентов в JSX
07 Внутреннее состояние
08 Обработка событий
09 Вложенные компоненты
10 Однонаправленное распространение данных
Пройти курс по webPack от Ильи Кантора
Часть 1: Введение
Часть 2: Простая сборка
Часть 3: Несколько скриптов
Часть 4: Продвинутые require
Часть 5: Подключение библиотек
Часть 6: Стили и файлы
Часть 7: Длинное кеширование
Часть 8: Live reload и Hot Module Replacement
Пройти Воркшоп «React & Flux»
Воркшоп «React & Flux», часть 1
Воркшоп «React & Flux», часть 2
Пройти курс [egghead.io] Getting Started with Redux
The Single Immutable State Tree
Describing State Changes with Actions
Pure and Impure Functions
The Reducer Function
Writing a Counter Reducer with Tests
Store Methods: getState(), dispatch(), and subscribe()
Implementing Store from Scratch
React Counter Example
Avoiding Array Mutations with concat(), slice(), and ...spread
Avoiding Object Mutations with Object.assign() and ...spread
Writing a Todo List Reducer (Adding a Todo)
Writing a Todo List Reducer (Toggling a Todo)
Reducer Composition with Arrays
Reducer Composition with Objects
Implementing combineReducers() from Scratch
Reducer Composition with combineReducers()
React Todo List Example (Adding a Todo)
React Todo List Example (Toggling a Todo)
React Todo List Example (Filtering Todos)
Extracting Presentational Components (Todo, TodoList)
Extracting Presentational Components (AddTodo, Footer, FilterLink)
Extracting Container Components (FilterLink)
Extracting Container Components (VisibleTodoList, AddTodo)
Passing the Store Down Explicitly via Props
Passing the Store Down Implicitly via Context
Passing the Store Down with <Provider> from React Redux
Generating Containers with connect() from React Redux (VisibleTodoList)
Generating Containers with connect() from React Redux (AddTodo)
Generating Containers with connect() from React Redux (FooterLink)
Extracting Action Creators
Пройти курс [udemy.com] React Tooling and Development Workflow in Action
GIT branching, stashing, tagging
Git and Jenkins (Continuous Integration)
The package.json file
The webpack.config.js file
Jest unit testing
CommonJS or ES6 React modules/components
Angular JS
C этим пунктом начали возникать вопросы. Вторая версия библиотеки идет на typescript - нужно решить стоит ли осваивать это
Освоить курс [udemy.com] Modern React with Redux
1 Introduction - Github Links for Project Files!
2 Completed Projects - Github Links
3 The Purpose of Boilerplate Projects
4 Environment Setup
5 Project Setup
6 A Taste of JSX
7 More on JSX
10 Differences Between Component Instances and Component Classes
8 ES6 Import Statements
9 ReactDOM vs React
11 Render Targets
12 Component Structure
13 Youtube Search API Signup
14 Export Statements
15 Class-Based Components
16 Handling User Events
17 Introduction to State
18 More on State
19 Controlled Components
20 Breather and Review
21 Youtube Search Response
22 Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components
23 Props
24 Building Lists with Map
25 List Item Keys
26 Video List Items
27 Detail Component and Template Strings
28 Handling Null Props
29 Video Selection
30 Styling with CSS
31 Searching for Videos
32 Throttling Search Term Input
33 React Wrapup
34 Foreword on Redux
37 Even More on Redux!
36 More on Redux
35 What is Redux?
38 Reducers
39 Containers - Connecting Redux to React
40 Containers Continued
41 Implementation of a Container Class
42 Containers and Reducers Review
43 Actions and Action Creators
44 Binding Action Creators
45 Creating an Action
46 Consuming Actions in Reducers
47 Consuming Actions in Reducers Continued
48 Conditional Rendering
49 Reducers and Actions Review
50 App Overview and Planning
52 Controlled Components and Binding Context
51 Component Setup
53 Form Elements in React
54 Working with API's
55 Introduction to Middleware
56 Ajax Requests with Axios
57 Redux-Promise in Practice
58 Redux-Promise Continued
59 Avoiding State Mutations in Reducers
60 Building a List Container
61 Mapping Props to a Render Helper
62 Adding Sparkline Charts
63 Making a Reusable Chart Component
64 Labeling of Units
65 Google Maps Integration
66 Google Maps Integration Continued
67 Project Review
69 Exploring the Posts Api
68 App Overview and Goals
70 Installing React Router
71 React Router - What is It?
72 Setting Up React Router
73 Route Configuration
74 Nesting Of Routes
75 IndexRoutes with React Router
76 Back To Redux - Index Action
77 Catching Data with Posts Reducer
78 Catching Data with Posts Reducer Continued
79 Fetching Data with Lifecycle Methods
80 Fetching Data with Lifecycle Methods Continued
81 Creating New Posts
82 Navigation with the Link Component
83 Forms and Form Submission
84 More on Forms and Form Submission
85 Passing Control to Redux Form
86 CreatePost Action Creator
87 Form Validation
88 Form Validation Continued
89 Navigating on Submit
90 Posts Index
91 Dynamic Route Params
92 Loading Data on Render
93 Handling Null Props
94 Delete Action Creator
95 Navigate on Delete
96 ReactRouter and ReduxForm Wrapup
97 Basics of Redux Thunk
98 Combining Redux and Firebase
99 Dynamic Forms with Redux Form
100 Logicless Components with Reselect
101 Data Loading Methods with Redux
102 Animation of React Components
103 Four Most Common Errors with React and Redux
104 Modals in React and Redux Apps
106 BrowserHistory in Production
107 Introducing JSPlaygrounds for Rapid Prototyping
108 Deployment of React/Webpack Apps
109 React Integration with Third Party Libraries
110 Still want more React?
111 React Source
105 The Best Way to Store Redux Data
Освоить курс [udemy.com] The Complete React Native and Redux Course
1. Introduction - Course Roadmap
2. Roadmap to the First App
3. Official Course Github Repo
4. OSX Installation
5. More on OSX Installation
6. Running in the Simulator
7. Windows Setup of React Native
8. Android Studio and React Native CLI Installation
9. Emulator Creation and System Variables
10. ESLint Setup and Overview
11. ESLint Setup with Atom
12. ESLint Setup with Sublime Text 3
13. ESLint Setup with VSCode
14. Project Directory Walkthrough
15. Getting Content on the Screen
16. React vs React Native
17. Creating a Component with JSX
18. Registering a Component
19. Destructuring Imports
20. Application Outline
21. The Header Component
22. Consuming File Exports
23. Styling with React Native
24. More on Styling Components
25. Introduction to Flexbox
26. Header Styling
27. Making the Header Reusable
28. Sourcing Album Data
29. List Component Boilerplate
30. Class Based Components
31. Lifecycle Methods
32. Network Requests
33. Component Level State
34. More on Component Level State
35. Rendering a List of Components
36. Displaying Individual Albums
37. Fantastic Reusable Components - The Card
38. Styling a Card
39. Passing Components as Props
40. Dividing Cards into Sections
42. Positioning of Elements on Mobile
43. More on Styling
44. Images with React Native
45. Displaying Album Artwork
46. Making Content Scrollable
47. Handling User Input with Buttons
48. Styling of Buttons with UX Considerations
49. Responding to User Input
50. Linking Between Mobile Apps
51. Setting Button Text by Props
52. App Wrapup
53. Auth App Introduction
54. A Common Root Component
55. Copying Reusable Components
56. What is Firebase?
57. Firebase Client Setup
41. Mastering Layout with Flexbox
58. Login Form Scaffolding
59. Handling User Inputs
60. More on Handling User Inputs
61. How to Create Controlled Components
62. Making Text Inputs From Scratch
63. A Focus on Passing Props
64. Making the Input Pretty
65. Wrapping up Inputs
66. Password Inputs
67. Logging a User In
68. Error Handling
69. More on Authentication Flow
70. Creating an Activity Spinner
71. Conditional Rendering of JSX
72. Clearing the Form Spinner
73. Handling Authentication Events
74. More on Conditional Rendering
75. Logging a User Out and Wrapup
76. App Mockup and Approach
77. The Basics of Redux
78. More on Redux
80. Application Boilerplate
81. More on Redux Boilerplate
79. Redux is Hard!
82. Rendering the Header
83. Reducer and State Design
84. Library List of Data
85. JSON CopyPaste
86. The Connect Function
87. MapStateToProps with Connect
88. A Quick Review and Breather
89. The Theory of ListView
90. ListView in Practice
91. Rendering a Single Row
93. Creating the Selection Reducer
94. Introducing Action Creators
92. Styling the List
95. Calling Action Creators
96. Adding a Touchable
97. Rules of Reducers
98. Expanding a Row
99. Moving Logic Out of Components
100. Animations
101. Wrapup
103. App Challenges
104. Just a Touch More Setup
105. More on Boilerplate Setup
106. Login Form in a Redux World
102. Overview of Our Next App
108. Handling Form Updates with Action Creators
109. Wiring up Action Creators
110. Typed Actions
107. Rebuilding the Login Form
113. More on Creating Immutable State
114. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Action Creators
111. Immutable State
112. Creating Immutable State
115. Introduction to Redux Thunk
117. Redux Thunk in Practice Continued
119. Creating User Accounts
121. A Firebase Gotcha
122. Showing a Spinner on Loading
116. Redux Thunk in Practice
120. Showing Error Messages
118. Making LoginUser More Robust
123. Dealing with Navigation
124. Navigation in the Router
125. Addressing Styling Issues
126. Displaying Multiple Scenes
127. Navigating Between Routes
128. Grouping Scenes with Buckets
129. Navigation Bar Buttons
131. Building the Employee Creation Form
132. Employee Form Actions
133. Handling Form Updates at the Reducer Level
134. Dynamic Property Updates
136. Pickers and Style Overrides
130. Navigating to the Employee Creation Form
135. The Picker Component
137. Firebase JSON Schema
139. Creating Records with Firebase
140. Default Form Values
141. Successful Data Save to Firebase
138. Data Security in Firebase
142. Resetting Form Properties
144. Storing Data by ID
146. Transforming Objects to Arrays
147. List Building in Employee List
145. Dynamic DataSource Building
143. Fetching Data from Firebase
149. Create vs Edit Forms
148. Reusing the Employee Form
150. Reusable Forms
151. A Standalone Employee Edit Form
152. Initializing Forms from State
153. Updating Firebase Records
154. Clearing Form Attributes
155. Texting Employees
156. Modals as a Reusable Component
157. The Modal Component Continued
158. Styling the Modal
159. Employee Delete Action Creator
161. Bonus? Bonus!
160. Wiring up Employee Delete
Освоить курс ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer's Guide [Udemy.com]
Пройти курс Advanced React and Redux [udemy.com]
Пройти курс Meteor and React for Realtime Apps [udemy.com]
Пройти курс The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2.0 [udemy.com]
Посмотреть на http://www.freecodecamp.com/
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Пройти курс Learn and Understand NodeJS [udemy.com]
Тестирование JS
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Для начала нужно просто подобрать материал и определиться с чего начать изучение тестирования -
Пройти курс Modern JavaScript: Building Real-World, Real-Time Apps [udemy.com]
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