Step 1

Пройти FreeCodeCamp


Step 2

Пройти CodeAcademy


Step 3

Java Script. Подробное руководство. Дэвид Флэнаган.

Start date: 25 January


Step 1

Пройти FreeCodeCamp


Step 2

Пройти CodeAcademy


Step 3

Java Script. Подробное руководство. Дэвид Флэнаган.

Start date: 25 January

12 January 2016

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 9 years

Goal author


Russia, Тюмень

31 years old


Карьера веб-кодера

Вот решил научиться сайты стряпать, теперь понемножку изучаю html.

  1. Пройти FreeCodeCamp

    1. HTML5 and CSS

    2. Responsive Design with Bootstrap

    3. Gear up for Success

    4. jQuery

    5. Basic JavaScript

    6. Object Oriented and Functional Programming

    7. Basic Algorithm Scripting

    8. Basic Front End Development Projects

    9. Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

    10. JSON APIs and Ajax

    11. Intermediate Front End Development Projects

    12. Claim Your Front End Development Certificate

  2. Пройти CodeAcademy

    1. Make a website

    2. Make an interactive website

    3. Learn ruby on rails

    4. Ruby on rails: authentification

    5. Learn AngularJS

    6. Learn the Command Line

    7. Learn SQL

    8. SQL: Analizing Business Metrics

    9. Learn Java

    10. Learn Git

    11. HTML & CSS

    12. Java Script

    13. jQuery

    14. PHP

    15. Python

    16. Ruby

    17. Animate your name

    18. About you

    19. Sun, Earth, and Code

  • 1802
  • 12 January 2016, 07:02
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