Етап 1

Week 0


Етап 2

Week 1: From the Calculator to the Computer


Етап 3

Week 2: State Transformation


Етап 4

Week 3: Functional Abstraction


Етап 5

Week 4: Object Encapsulation


Етап 6

Week 5: Packaging


Етап 1

Week 0


Етап 2

Week 1: From the Calculator to the Computer


Етап 3

Week 2: State Transformation


Етап 4

Week 3: Functional Abstraction


Етап 5

Week 4: Object Encapsulation


Етап 6

Week 5: Packaging

21 лютого 2016 31 березня 2016

Автор мети


Україна, Киев

40 Рік / року / років

Бізнес та Фінанси

UC3Mx: IT.1.1x Introduction to Programming with Java - Part 1: Starting to Code with Java

Курс на edx.org

Introduction to Programming with Java is an introductory course to learn programming in an easy and interactive way with lots of activities. This course is designed taking into account the subset and recommendations of the College Board in order to prepare learners for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science A exam. The course is divided in three parts of five weeks each, of which the first part is starting today. The estimated time learners need to dedicate to the course each week is from 8 to 12 hours.

"Part 1: Starting to Code with Java", now live, introduces programming on the basis of familiar concepts, like calculators, mazes and games. Powerful concepts such as functional abstraction, the object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are progressively introduced throughout the five weeks. Examples and case studies are provided so that learners can implement simple programs on their own or collaborate with peers.

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  1. Week 0

    1. What is this course about?

    2. Useful Information about the course

    3. Course Staff

    4. Communication with students

    5. Any Questions?

  2. Week 1: From the Calculator to the Computer

    1. 1.1 Extending the Calculator: Expressions, Statements, Programs

    2. 1.2 Extending the Calculator: Types, Names, Strings

    3. 1.3 Decisions

    4. 1.4 Conditional Expressions and Statements

    5. LAB 1: Learn to Move in a Maze

    6. RECAP

    7. EXAM 1

    8. Want to Practice More?

    9. Students' view - Week 1

  3. Week 2: State Transformation

    1. 2.1 Repetition 0 of 7 possible points (0/7)

    2. 2.2 Repetition and Arrays 0 of 5 possible points (0/5)

    3. 2.3 Representation of Data 0 of 3 possible points (0/3)

    4. 2.4 Representation of Programs 0 of 3 possible points (0/3)

    5. LAB 2: Learn some Patterns

    6. RECAP

    7. EXAM 2 0 of 20 possible points (0/20)

    8. Want to Practice More? 0 of 9 possible points (0/9)

    9. Students' view - Week 2

  4. Week 3: Functional Abstraction

    1. 3.1 Define your Own Method

    2. 3.2 Scope

    3. 3.3 Partially Defined Methods

    4. 3.4 Recursive Methods

    5. LAB 3: Solving a Maze Recursively: Backtracking

    6. RECAP

    7. EXAM 3

    8. Want to Practice More?

    9. Students' view - Week 3

  5. Week 4: Object Encapsulation

    1. 4.1 Objects and Classes

    2. 4.2 Information Hiding

    3. 4.3 Inheritance

    4. 4.4 Polymorphism

    5. LAB 4: Hero, Allies and Enemies

    6. RECAP

    7. EXAM 4

    8. Students' view - Week 4

  6. Week 5: Packaging

    1. 5.1 Abstract Classes and Interfaces

    2. 5.2 Packages, APIs, and Libraries

    3. 5.3 Standard Java Library

    4. 5.4 Outlook

    5. LAB 5: Finishing and Distributing the Haunting Mansion Code

    6. RECAP

    7. EXAM 5

    8. Students' view - Week 5

  • 2178
  • 21 лютого 2016, 10:07


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