Goal abandoned
The author does not write in the goal 2 years 9 months 30 days
Career & Work
Книги, курсы и прочее по писательскому мастерству и литературному маркетингу
Все, что касается писательского самообразования. И что окажется достойным внимания.
На будущее: ... потом еще посмотреть книги вот тут http://www.twirpx.com/files/literature/writing_bas... +
- Your writing coach
- Исторические корни волшебной сказки
- Writing Short Stories
- Comedy_Writing
- Character
- The Creative Writer's Workbook (2009)
- Writing BothSides
- Fiction Writer_s Brainstormer - и аналогичная Non-Fiction
+ Techniques of the Selling Writer, and Jack Bickham in Writing and Selling Your Novel,
Goal Accomplishment Criteria
Книги прочитанные, умные мысли законспектированы и, если нужно, внедрены в работу
Personal resources
5 часов в неделю.
Goal ecological compatibility
SWOT for writing success by R. Hall
The Fantasy Fiction Formula by Deborah Chester
Vivid Settings by R.Hall
Writing active hooks - first book by M. Buckham
Writing active hooks - second book by M. Buckham
Internal Dialoge by M. Kennedy
The plot machine by Kutzera
How to write faster by M. Kennedy
2.000 to 10.000. How to write faster
How to write novella in 24 hours
Revision and Self-Editing
The Creative Writer's Workbook (2009)
Align you writing habbits to success by Jenifer Blanchard
Wonderbook (The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction) by Jeff Vandermeer
Bell - Superstructure
Bell - Write Your Novel from the Middle
Как писать хорошо
Writing the Paranomal Novel by S. Harper
The Journaling Habit: Achieve your Goals and Change your life in just ten minutes a day, by Angela Booth
Writing about Villians by Rayne Hall
Writing is my drink
Rayne Hall "Writing vivid dialoge"
Rayne Hall "Vivid plots"
Rayne Hall "Writing vivid emotions"
Novel Revision Prompts, by Rayne Hall
The word-less diet, by Rayne Hall
The writer's lexicon by Kathy Steineman
Стюарт Хорвиц "Архитектура книги: как выстраивать сюжет и план без использования формулы"
Брендон Сандерсон лекции
Rayne Hall "Author Branding"
How to living with you writing
Content Machine. Dan Norris
Blogging part time by Cris Karlas
How to write nonfiction in 21 days by S. Scott
The emotion thesaurus
Succsessful Self-Publishing
Кристофер Волглер "Путешествие писателя: мифологические структуры в литературе и кино"
Роберто Эко.
Статьи Юдковского
- 6196
- 10 April 2016, 19:51
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