Этап 1

AngularJS tutorial [https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial]


Этап 2

Developer Guide [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide]


Этап 3



Этап 1

AngularJS tutorial [https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial]


Этап 2

Developer Guide [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide]


Этап 3


19 апреля 2016 01 июня 2016
Цель просрочена на 3184 дня

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Автор цели 27 апреля 2016 года заморозил цель

Карьера и работа

AngularJS challenge

This framework is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless there are well-known issues and pitfalls its popularity still constantly grows. That's why it definitely makes sense to start getting familiar with it. Also it seems to be a good choice for small one-page websites, so it can be a core technology for my personal small projects (Now my general aim is to transfer them from Grails to Spring + AngularJS)

Currently I know some sides of Angular, but my knowledge is not structured. So I'm going to pass through one or several tutorials, maybe some book(s), articles. Also there is some specific topics I'm interested in a lot, so I'll figure out with them.

I don't have a strict plan at the moment, so steps likely will be modified.

 Критерий завершения

all steps are done

  1. AngularJS tutorial [https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial]

    1. Bootstrapping

    2. Static template

    3. Angular Templates

    4. Filtering Repeaters

    5. Two-way Data Binding

    6. XHRs & Dependency Injection

    7. Templating Links & Images

    8. Routing & Multiple Views

    9. More Templating

    10. Filters

    11. Event Handlers

    12. REST and Custom Services

    13. Applying Animations

  2. Developer Guide [https://docs.angularjs.org/guide]

    1. Introduction

    2. Conceptual Overview

    3. Data Binding

    4. Controllers

    5. Services

    6. Scopes

    7. Dependency Injection

    8. Templates

    9. Expressions

    10. Interpolation

    11. Filters

    12. Forms

    13. Directives

    14. Components

    15. Component Router

    16. Animations

    17. Modules

    18. HTML Compiler

    19. Providers

    20. Bootstrap

    21. Unit Testing

    22. E2E Testing [optional]

    23. Using $location

    24. Working With CSS

    25. i18n and l10n [optional]

    26. Security

    27. Accessibility

    28. Internet Explorer Compatibility [optional]

    29. Running in Production

    30. Migrating from Previous Versions [optional]

  3. Articles

    1. “Thinking in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/thinking-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquer

    2. Scopes and Digest - http://teropa.info/blog/2013/11/03/make-your-own-angular-part-1-scopes-and-digest.html

    3. Паттерны в AngularJS - https://habrahabr.ru/post/250149/

  • 1502
  • 19 апреля 2016, 20:24


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