Etapa 1

Objective C basics


Etapa 2

Algorithms and Data structures


Etapa 3

Unit testing


Etapa 4

Design patterns


Etapa 5

UI Animations(raywenderlich)


Etapa 1

Objective C basics


Etapa 2

Algorithms and Data structures


Etapa 3

Unit testing


Etapa 4

Design patterns


Etapa 5

UI Animations(raywenderlich)

01 junio 2016
Objetivo completado 18 julio 2016

Autor del objetivo

Carrera y trabajo

Become a senior iOS Developer

I wrote this roadmap of my developing in iOS programming in hope it helps me to get new knowledges and experience.

Maybe its not so closed to real requirements, but thats how I see it now. In future Maybe in future Ill edit some parts.

But for now It seems not bad.

My first conclusion in diary will be about how many hours I spend on first point of the first part.

 Criterio del fin

Get a senior iOS Developer offer

  1. Objective C basics

    Its important to know opportunities and bounds of usage Objective C.

    I'll start from refreshing my knowledges about Objective C by reading Apple Guide.

    Then I'll check my results with tests at Upwork, by the way I'll improve my profile.

    So this part include:

    1. Defining Classes

    2. Working with Objects

    3. Encapsulating Data

    4. Customizing Existing Classes

    5. Working with Protocols

    6. Values and Collections

    7. Working with Blocks

    8. Practice: Blocks Simplify Common Tasks

    9. Dealing with Errors

    10. Conventions

    11. Practice

    12. Final Upwork test

  2. Algorithms and Data structures

    This part is all about basics of Computer science.

    It based on wiki articles about basic data structures and algorithms.

    So what I found important to know:

    Also this will be helpful

    1. ​Data structures

    2. Dynamic array

    3. Hash table

    4. B-tree

    5. Rb-tree

    6. Search tree

    7. Heap data structure

    8. Trie

    9. Skip list

    10. Graph(abstract data type)

    11. Sorting algorithm

    12. Heapsort

    13. Quicksort

    14. Radix sort

  3. Unit testing

    In progress...

  4. Design patterns

    In progress...

  5. UI Animations(raywenderlich)

    1. UIKit Dynamics Tutorial: Getting Started

    2. Core Image Tutorial: Getting Started

    3. Core Graphics Tutorial Part 1: Getting Started

    4. Core Graphics Tutorial Part 2: Gradients and Contexts

    5. Core Graphics Tutorial Part 3: Patterns and Playgrounds

    6. UIKit Dynamics and Swift Tutorial: Tossing Views

    7. AsyncDisplayKit Tutorial: Node Hierarchies

    8. UIAppearance Tutorial: Getting Started

    9. iOS Animation Tutorial: Getting Started

    10. iOS Animation Tutorial: Introduction to Easy Animation

    11. iOS Animation Tutorial: Custom View Controller Presentation Transitions

    12. Apple Pencil Tutorial: Getting Started

  • 2061
  • 01 junio 2016, 08:13

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