Become a good programmer/web-developer
I want to become a good, sophisticated programmer, specifically web-developer. This is what I want to do for a living in the future, because right now I'm mildly unsatisfied both with the current field of work of mine (IT consulting) and compensation, as well as the prospect of being just another consultant.
Критерий завершения
I can create standalone from web-applications the drawing board to production.
Личные ресурсы
Time: my day-to-day routine allows me to invest some time into learning stuff every day
Beneficial relationship: during my internship I started to work on a project under the supervision of a brilliant guy who was kind enough to even invest some of him time into my education.
I must also mention a very supportive girlfriend who makes me feel like I'm on top of the world sometimes, her support is invaluable to me, especially in those early times of despair, and every day. She was actually the one person who truly believed in me and my success and helped me make a few preliminary steps in this hard journey of mine.
Skills: I can analyze a lot of technical info in short periods of time, I am a quick learner once I get involved into a process enough, especially when I get high on success I achieve (who isn't?). I also have fluent English.
Экологичность цели
I want to achieve this because I want to get to the next, advanced level of success in life, both in terms of money and career opportunities. I would also like to be able to change the world around me, to make it better, to help people get what they need from the web-technologies, to make life easier for someone. I also want to invest in the future of my family, myself included.
Finish C++ training
Complete all the tasks given by Nikita to understand the important basics of programming
Repeat task one without reference
Make it so that it executes in 3 loops
Complete the final assignment with matrix
Learn JavaScript
Learn Angular 1
Achieve good understanding of the framework.
Learn Angular-Meteor link
Understand the full extent of the capabilities of the link between these two frameworks and learn how to properly build applications using it.
Learn EcmaScript 6
Learn Angular 2
Build an application with Angular 2 using good and bad experience earned during Angular Attack
- 1570
- 30 мая 2016, 18:21
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