Етап 1

Week 1: What Is Music?


Етап 2

Week 2: How Music Works, It's Magic.


Етап 3

Week 3: The Sound of Music


Етап 4

Week 4: Music Back in the Day


Етап 5

Week 5: The Baroque Era


Етап 6

Week 6: The Classical Era


Етап 7

Week 7: The Bridge From Classical to Romantic


Етап 8

Week 8: The Romantic Era


Етап 9

Week 9: Music to the Present


Етап 1

Week 1: What Is Music?


Етап 2

Week 2: How Music Works, It's Magic.


Етап 3

Week 3: The Sound of Music


Етап 4

Week 4: Music Back in the Day


Етап 5

Week 5: The Baroque Era


Етап 6

Week 6: The Classical Era


Етап 7

Week 7: The Bridge From Classical to Romantic


Етап 8

Week 8: The Romantic Era


Етап 9

Week 9: Music to the Present

06 червня 2016 31 серпня 2016
Ціль прострочена на 2803 дня

Мета заморожена

Автор мети 18 липня 2016 року заморозив мету

Творчість та Хоббі

Introduction to Classical Music on Coursera

That is my old aim - get familiar with the classical music, try to learn a bit of theory and start feeling the difference between Mozart and Beethoven. And finally I decided to try to handle it with the course by Yale University) Also the following video inspired me a lot - The transformative power of classical music

 Критерій завершення

all lectures are viewed and all achievements are unlocked)

  1. Week 1: What Is Music?

    1. 0. Course Introduction

    2. 1. Why We Like What We Like

  2. Week 2: How Music Works, It's Magic.

    1. 2. We've All Got Rhythm

    2. 3. Melody Is the Star

    3. 4. The Harmony of Music (and Life)

  3. Week 3: The Sound of Music

    1. 5. Tone Color

    2. 6. Texture, Form, and Style

  4. Week 4: Music Back in the Day

    1. 7. Music in the Middle Ages

    2. 8. Music in the Renaissance

  5. Week 5: The Baroque Era

    1. 9. The Baroque Period: The Birth of Opera

    2. 10. Johann Sebastian Bach

    3. 11. George Frideric Handel: Messiah and More

  6. Week 6: The Classical Era

    1. 12. The Classical Period

    2. 13. Classical Genre and Form

    3. 14. Putting the Art in MozART: 3 Classical Pieces

  7. Week 7: The Bridge From Classical to Romantic

    1. 15. Beethoven to the Heroic Period

    2. 16. The Heroic Beethoven and Beyond

    3. 17. Romanticism and the Romantic Art Song

  8. Week 8: The Romantic Era

    1. 18. 19th Century Program Music: Berlioz Goes to Hell

    2. 19. The Romantic Piano and Piano Music

    3. 20. Romantic Opera

    4. 21. The Romantic Orchestra

  9. Week 9: Music to the Present

    1. 22. Impressionism

    2. 23. Modernism

    3. 24. Post Modernism: Music for Everyone!

  • 1653
  • 06 червня 2016, 20:19


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