Етап 1

Week 1 Week One: Introduction to JavaScript


Етап 2

Week 2 Week Two: Reacting to Your Audience


Етап 3

Week 3 Week Three: Arrays and Looping


Етап 4

Week 4 Week Four: Validating Form Data


Етап 1

Week 1 Week One: Introduction to JavaScript


Етап 2

Week 2 Week Two: Reacting to Your Audience


Етап 3

Week 3 Week Three: Arrays and Looping


Етап 4

Week 4 Week Four: Validating Form Data

11 червня 2016

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 7 років 10 месяців 26 днів

Автор мети


Україна, Киев

39 Рік / року / років


Interactivity with JavaScript Part of a 5-course series, the Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding) Specialization

About this Course

If you want to take your website to the next level, the ability to incorporate interactivity is a must. But adding some of these types of capabilities requires a stronger programming language than HTML5 or CSS3, and JavaScript can provide just what you need. With just a basic understanding of the language, you can create a page that will react to common events such as page loads, mouse clicks & movements, and even keyboard input.

This course will introduce you to the basics of the JavaScript language. We will cover concepts such as variables, looping, functions, and even a little bit about debugging tools. You will understand how the Document Object Model (DOM) is used by JavaScript to identify and modify specific parts of your page. After the course, learners will be able to react to DOM Events and dynamically alter the contents and style of their page. The class will culminate in a final project - the creation of an interactive HTML5 form that accepts and verifies input.

This is the third course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is expected when you enroll in this class. Additional courses focus on enhancing the styling with responsive design and completing a capstone project.

 Критерій завершення

прошла весь курс, выполнила задания.

  1. Week 1 Week One: Introduction to JavaScript

    1. Welcome and Frequently Asked Questions

    2. Lecture Materials

    3. Assessment

    4. Optional Material/Resources

    5. Quiz: Week One

  2. Week 2 Week Two: Reacting to Your Audience

    1. Resources

    2. Lecture Materials

    3. Assessment

    4. Assignment: JavaScript Interactive Photo Gallery

  3. Week 3 Week Three: Arrays and Looping

    1. Resources for Week Three

    2. Lecture Materials

    3. Assessment

    4. Quiz: JavaScript Review

  4. Week 4 Week Four: Validating Form Data

    1. Resources

    2. Lecture Material

    3. Assessments

    4. Optional Material/Resources

    5. Assignment: Autocomplete with JavaScript

  • 865
  • 11 червня 2016, 07:54


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