Етап 1

Getting Started Join the Free Code Camp Community


Етап 2

Front End Development Certification HTML5 and CSS


Етап 3

Responsive Design with Bootstrap


Етап 4

Gear up for Success


Етап 5



Етап 6

Basic Front End Development Projects


Етап 7

Basic JavaScript


Етап 8

Object Oriented and Functional Programming


Етап 9

Basic Algorithm Scripting


Етап 10

JSON APIs and Ajax


Етап 11

Intermediate Front End Development Projects


Етап 12

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting


Етап 13

Advanced Algorithm Scripting


Етап 14

Advanced Front End Development Projects


Етап 15

Claim Your Front End Development Certificate


Етап 1

Getting Started Join the Free Code Camp Community


Етап 2

Front End Development Certification HTML5 and CSS


Етап 3

Responsive Design with Bootstrap


Етап 4

Gear up for Success


Етап 5



Етап 6

Basic Front End Development Projects


Етап 7

Basic JavaScript


Етап 8

Object Oriented and Functional Programming


Етап 9

Basic Algorithm Scripting


Етап 10

JSON APIs and Ajax


Етап 11

Intermediate Front End Development Projects


Етап 12

Intermediate Algorithm Scripting


Етап 13

Advanced Algorithm Scripting


Етап 14

Advanced Front End Development Projects


Етап 15

Claim Your Front End Development Certificate

12 червня 2016 31 серпня 2016

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 7 років 8 месяців 26 днів

Автор мети


Україна, Киев

40 Рік / року / років


Пройти до конца FreeCodeCamp

Не знаю когда я буду этим заниматься, но уж очень захотелось.

Понравилась платформа и манера общения.

К тому же они заявляют, что FullStack еще никто не получил - все на работу поустраивались)))

 Критерій завершення

получить Full Stack Developer

  1. Getting Started Join the Free Code Camp Community

    1. Learn how Free Code Camp Works

    2. Create a GitHub Account and Join our Chat Rooms

    3. Configure your Code Portfolio

    4. Join a Campsite in Your City

    5. Learn What to Do If You Get Stuck

  2. Front End Development Certification HTML5 and CSS

    1. Say Hello to HTML Elements

    2. Headline with the h2 Element

    3. Inform with the Paragraph Element

    4. Uncomment HTML

    5. Comment out HTML

    6. Fill in the Blank with Placeholder Text

    7. Delete HTML Elements

    8. Change the Color of Text

    9. Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements

    10. Use a CSS Class to Style an Element

    11. Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class

    12. Change the Font Size of an Element

    13. Set the Font Family of an Element

    14. Import a Google Font

    15. Specify How Fonts Should Degrade

    16. Add Images to your Website

    17. Size your Images

    18. Add Borders Around your Elements

    19. Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius

    20. Make Circular Images with a Border Radius

    21. Link to External Pages with Anchor Elements

    22. Nest an Anchor Element within a Paragraph

    23. Make Dead Links using the Hash Symbol

    24. Turn an Image into a Link

    25. Add Alt Text to an Image for Accessibility

    26. Create a Bulleted Unordered List

    27. Create an Ordered List

    28. Create a Text Field

    29. Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field

    30. Create a Form Element

    31. Add a Submit Button to a Form

    32. Use HTML5 to Require a Field

    33. Create a Set of Radio Buttons

    34. Create a Set of Checkboxes

    35. Check Radio Buttons and Checkboxes by Default

    36. Nest Many Elements within a Single Div Element

    37. Give a Background Color to a Div Element

    38. Set the ID of an Element

    39. Use an ID Attribute to Style an Element

    40. Adjusting the Padding of an Element

    41. Adjust the Margin of an Element

    42. Add a Negative Margin to an Element

    43. Add Different Padding to Each Side of an Element

    44. Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element

    45. Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element

    46. Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element

    47. Style the HTML Body Element

    48. Inherit Styles from the Body Element

    49. Prioritize One Style Over Another

    50. Override Styles in Subsequent CSS

    51. Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes

    52. Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles

    53. Override All Other Styles by using Important

    54. Use Hex Code for Specific Colors

    55. Use Hex Code to Mix Colors

    56. Use Abbreviated Hex Code

    57. Use RGB values to Color Elements

    58. Use RGB to Mix Colors

  3. Responsive Design with Bootstrap

    1. Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers

  4. Gear up for Success

  5. jQuery

  6. Basic Front End Development Projects

  7. Basic JavaScript

  8. Object Oriented and Functional Programming

  9. Basic Algorithm Scripting

  10. JSON APIs and Ajax

  11. Intermediate Front End Development Projects

  12. Intermediate Algorithm Scripting

  13. Advanced Algorithm Scripting

  14. Advanced Front End Development Projects

  15. Claim Your Front End Development Certificate

  • 3064
  • 12 червня 2016, 13:07


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