Етап 1

Learn basic grammar and vocabulary


Етап 2

Understand French


Етап 3

Speak and write in French


Етап 1

Learn basic grammar and vocabulary


Етап 2

Understand French


Етап 3

Speak and write in French

16 липня 2016 31 грудня 2016
Ціль прострочена на 2888 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 3 месяця 14 днів

Iноземні мови

Learn French Language

This will be a tough path. I fully acknowledge that in a short period of time I would not be able to become fluent in French, but I will do my best to improve my language skills.

Primary resources:

Other resources:

Possible additional resources:

 Критерій завершення

I can have a basic conversation with a native speaker and read books for children.

 Особисті ресурси

Time: 1-2 hours per day

 Екологічність мети

​I want to learn French for three reasons: I want to be able to speak French if go work in France or Switzerland on physics research; French is a native language of many people I admire; and I started learning French in fourth grade and now I would like to try again.

  1. Learn basic grammar and vocabulary

    I will use Duolingo, Memrise, and Linguist to master basic conversational vocabulary. Every day I will

    • spend 20 min on Duolingo, 10 min on Memrise before going to work
    • spend 30 min to 1 hour on Linguist after work
    1. Achieve first milestone in Duolingo

    2. Achieve second milestone in Duolingo

    3. Achieve third milestone in Duolingo

    4. Complete all skills in Duolingo!

  2. Understand French

    Read books, watch shows or movies in French.

  3. Speak and write in French

    Find native speakers online, with whom I would be able to practice my language skills.

  • 2062
  • 16 липня 2016, 13:26


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