Etapa 1

Refresh QA theory


Etapa 2

Refresh HTML&CSS knowledge


Etapa 3

Finish QA Automation course


Etapa 4

Finish SQL studies


Etapa 1

Refresh QA theory


Etapa 2

Refresh HTML&CSS knowledge


Etapa 3

Finish QA Automation course


Etapa 4

Finish SQL studies

04 agosto 2016 31 octubre 2016
Objetivo completado 27 octubre 2016
Carrera y trabajo

To prepare for QA Automation Engineer interview

I have been studying hard for last 6 monthes but I'm still unemployed. So I've to speed up my studies in other subjects.

What is already done:

- QA theory: Portnov computer school, protesting.ru (successfully forgotten - should refresh)

- Basics of programming

- Basics of HTML and CSS (successfully forgotten - should refresh)

- Java Core: Ok, but studying should be continued

- Selenium WebDriver: Barantsev trainings, Portnov computer school course, Polyarush webinars, QA Automation course (not finished), One of many ways to build Test Automation Framework (Lohika)(postponed after I finish previous course)

- SQL: use different resourses, temporary switched on sql-tutorial.ru until I understand select subqueries perfectly

- Linux: my second goal on this website and I'm going to finish it asap

So below is a list of what I'm going to do to pass an intervew sucessfully and get a job, and also to continue my professional growth

 Recursos personales

Time and desire

  1. Refresh QA theory

  2. Refresh HTML&CSS knowledge

    Take course at HTML Academy. See my other goals

  3. Finish QA Automation course

    Some lessons is already done

    1. Lecture 2 Approaches and techniques

    2. Lecture 3 Web-applications. Locators

    3. Lecture 4 Intro to Selenium

    4. Lecture 5 PageObject. PageFactory

    5. Lecture 6 Crossbrowser test run. BrowserFactory. Log4j

    6. Lecture 7 Run tests on remote machines. TestNG

    7. Lecture 8 BDD in automation testing

    8. Lecture 9 RestAPI. SoapUI

    9. Lecture 10 Selenide+Allure

  4. Finish SQL studies

    Khan Academy


  • 1693
  • 04 agosto 2016, 18:03

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