Етап 1

Week 1 Welcome to the Course What Is a Web Page?


Етап 2

Week 2 Building a Web Page with HTML CSS for Styling a Web Page


Етап 3

Week 3 Learning to Program in JavaScript Design Principles for Programming


Етап 4

Week 4 Finding Information in Data Mini-Project: Create Your E-Portfolio


Етап 1

Week 1 Welcome to the Course What Is a Web Page?


Етап 2

Week 2 Building a Web Page with HTML CSS for Styling a Web Page


Етап 3

Week 3 Learning to Program in JavaScript Design Principles for Programming


Етап 4

Week 4 Finding Information in Data Mini-Project: Create Your E-Portfolio

28 серпня 2016 26 вересня 2016

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 5 месяців 6 днів

Автор мети


Україна, Киев

40 Рік / року / років


Programming and the Web for Beginners

About this Course

In this course, you will use computers to creatively design web pages using HTML and CSS. You will then use Javascript to develop programs and algorithms--ways to get the computer to solve problems. As you progress, you will master the programming process that will be used through the remainder of the courses in this Specialization.

After completing this course you will be able to: 1. Make a web page with HTML and CSS; 2. Explain the high-level process of developing a program; 3. Think critically about how to solve a problem; 4. Solve programming problems with Javascript, including if/else and looping constructs; 5. Use Javascript to manipulate images and process data; and 6. Recognize debugging as an application of the scientific method.

By the end of this course, you will complete a mini-project where you will use Javascript to create your own images algorithmically and a website you have built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

 Критерій завершення

прошла курс, получила сертификат

  1. Week 1 Welcome to the Course What Is a Web Page?

    1. Lesson 1 - Course Intro Try It!

    2. Lesson 1 - Internet, Web, and Communication

    3. Lesson 2 - Power of Collaboration

    4. Lesson 3 - User Experience

    5. Review

    6. Quiz: Inside Look At The Course

    7. Quiz: What Is a Web Page?

  2. Week 2 Building a Web Page with HTML CSS for Styling a Web Page

    1. Lesson 1 - Tools for Creation

    2. Lesson 2 - Simple HTML

    3. Lesson 3 - HTML Lists and Tables

    4. Lesson 4 - Images and Storage

    5. Lesson 5 - Digital Citizenship

    6. Review

    7. Lesson 1 - Why CSS?

    8. Lesson 2 - CSS Basics

    9. Lesson 3 - Colors and Names in CSS

    10. Lesson 4 - Building a Web Page

    11. Making a Web Page in HTML and CSS

    12. Quiz: Building a Web Page with HTML

    13. Peer Graded Assignment: Peer Review

  3. Week 3 Learning to Program in JavaScript Design Principles for Programming

    1. Lesson 1 - JavaScript Basics

    2. Lesson 2 - Conditional Execution

    3. Lesson 3 - Thinking Critically about Your Program

    4. Review

    5. Lesson 1 - Everything Is a Number

    6. Lesson 2 - Solving the Green Screen Problem

    7. Lesson 3 - Solving Programming Problems

    8. Review

    9. Quiz: Learning to Program in JavaScript

    10. Quiz: Design Principles for Programming

  4. Week 4 Finding Information in Data Mini-Project: Create Your E-Portfolio

    1. Lesson 1 - Functions

    2. Lesson 2 - Hiding Data in Images with Steganography

    3. Lesson 3 - Applying the Seven-Step Process

    4. Review

    5. E-Portfolio Project Guide

    6. Final Project

    7. Quiz: Steganography Extraction and Duplication

    8. Peer Graded Assignment: Creating Your E-Portfolio

  • 1500
  • 28 серпня 2016, 07:02


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