Етап 1

Learn pro tracking and mixing


Етап 2

Rent a place for a year


Етап 3

Make the place work and look good


Етап 4

Make it soundproof


Етап 5

Move all my sound gear from home to studio


Етап 6

Set up the gear


Етап 7

Buy missing gear


Етап 8

Name and brending


Етап 9

Website and Social Media page


Етап 10

PR and SEO strategy and investments


Етап 11

Record at least 5 different bands / artisits


Етап 1

Learn pro tracking and mixing


Етап 2

Rent a place for a year


Етап 3

Make the place work and look good


Етап 4

Make it soundproof


Етап 5

Move all my sound gear from home to studio


Етап 6

Set up the gear


Етап 7

Buy missing gear


Етап 8

Name and brending


Етап 9

Website and Social Media page


Етап 10

PR and SEO strategy and investments


Етап 11

Record at least 5 different bands / artisits

19 вересня 2016 10 жовтня 2018
Ціль прострочена на 2180 днів

Мета закинута

Автор не відписував в цілі 8 років 2 дня

Творчість та Хоббі

Open a Recording Studio

I want to stop working in IT and start my own recording studio.

I understand it's not going to be easy and my income is going to decrease dramatically as soon as I stop working for a Big Rich IT Giant, but I'll be living a much happier version of my life.

I've been recording friends and by self since I was 15.

I'll be 27 soon. It's time to change my life and go pro.

 Критерій завершення

Studio up and running, equipped and recorded at least 5 different bands or artists.

 Особисті ресурси

Time, Money, Tracking and mixing skills, and a LOT of passion :)

  1. Learn pro tracking and mixing

    Despite the fact I've started recording and mixing about 12 years ago, I still don't feel sure enough in what I'm doing with the sound. I need to fill the gaps in my head and make my knowledge more solid.

    I'm going to learn from Sergey Navetny on his studio in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

    He is a decent teacher, a professional with over 20 years of tracking and mixing experience.

    Two lessons per week starting from September 20 2016.

    Вартість етапу — 620 $

  2. Rent a place for a year

    One good thing about Russia - rent is not THAT pricey :)

    Вартість етапу — 2000 $

  3. Make the place work and look good

    1. Fix all possible electricity issues

    2. Redecorate

    3. Install air conditioning system

    Вартість етапу — 1000 $

  4. Make it soundproof

    Do everything to avoid the noise in tracking room.

    Вартість етапу — 500 $

  5. Move all my sound gear from home to studio

  6. Set up the gear

  7. Buy missing gear

    - A drum kit

    - A couple of mics

    - New audio interface

    - Monitors

    Вартість етапу — 2500 $

  8. Name and brending

    Make up a cool name, order a set of logo from a good freelancer.

    Вартість етапу — 200 $

  9. Website and Social Media page

    $200 for a designer, developing by myself, since I'm an IT guy.

    Вартість етапу — 200 $

  10. PR and SEO strategy and investments

    Вартість етапу — 1000 $

  11. Record at least 5 different bands / artisits

  • 943
  • 19 вересня 2016, 11:59


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