Etapa 1

Get some info about how to properly do it

20 septiembre—21 septiembre


Etapa 2

Respond to the letter from K2 company telling them I want to talk

21 septiembre—21 septiembre


Etapa 3

Update my career websites profiles

21 septiembre—27 septiembre


Etapa 4

Get closer to getting that salary I deserve

14 octubre—18 noviembre


Etapa 1

Get some info about how to properly do it

20 septiembre—21 septiembre


Etapa 2

Respond to the letter from K2 company telling them I want to talk

21 septiembre—21 septiembre


Etapa 3

Update my career websites profiles

21 septiembre—27 septiembre


Etapa 4

Get closer to getting that salary I deserve

14 octubre—18 noviembre

19 septiembre 2016 19 mayo 2017
Objetivo vencido en % days%

El objetivo está desatendido

El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 7 años 1 mes 7 días

Autor del objetivo

Carrera y trabajo

Get a raise in my work compensation, enhance my career

I need to invest in making my everyday work life better by:

1) starting to work the way I like

2) on things I like

3) making the most out of my current job

4) getting more money (the most important )

 Criterio del fin

I get a raise on my main job

 Recursos personales

My resources are mostly my own abilities to concentrate my will on making the hard decisions and going into difficult conversations about a raise.

I also will use some of the nice articles on the Internet, I've already found a lot of valuables there.

One of the most valuable resources I have is my self-esteem, my confidence and the will to recognize my own value.

 Lo ecológico del objetivo

This is simple: I NEED more money. Because the current pay is inadequate. There's a lot of reasons I just need to get more out of my current job, mainly to pay rent.

  1. Get some info about how to properly do it

    I mainly need to review the article on medium I read earlier - Getting a raise comes down to one thing: Leverage by Quincy Larson. The author tells a lot about how to get more out of your current job. I've read it earlier but I need to refresh the memory, because I wasn't as determined at the time.

  2. Respond to the letter from K2 company telling them I want to talk

    Yesterday I got another sudden call in the evening - from the K2 company. They appear to be an international company with a need for SAP specialists in their Moscow office, I did not investigate further yet.

    1. Investigate as much as possible about the company.

    2. Make a solid response to the letter to try and undo the stupid things I told them on the phone (I told them I'm not interested).

    3. Proceed to getting an offer out of them to get leverage for my raise.

  3. Update my career websites profiles

    Life shows me people with my expertise are needed in many industries. Surprisingly. Quite contrary to my beliefs in times of peril. My skill-set is a good one. This has been proven many times by random (big and small) companies just randomly calling me in the middle of the day asking if I want to come work for them. And that is hilarious (and inspiring) considering my resumé was last updated about a year and a half ago. I've got many new skills since then. And I definitely need to update that profile so that I can potentially get more responses.

    1. hh.ru

    2. superjob.ru

    3. whatever else I can find to put my info into (should at least try to find something)

    4. LinkedIn

    5. Upwork

  4. Get closer to getting that salary I deserve

    It's not an easy thing to do but I'm determined to do it. And as far as I can tell the emotional part of me is mostly exaggerating about how hard it is. I deserve to be paid more and I will be paid more.

    1. I also need to research the market salary for people of my level of experience and skills.

    2. Need to seriously make myself believe that crisis in the country's economy and the fact that I started working as a complete newbie are

  • 1105
  • 19 septiembre 2016, 22:54

Las posibilidades
están ilimitadas.
Es la hora
de descubrir las suyas

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