Освоить курс [] The Complete React Native and Redux Course
С некоторого времени плотно изучаю JavaScript и в частности современные фреймворки.
Уже немного знаю React со всей его "экосистемой" и мне всегда интересно было сделать какое нибуть приложение для мобильного - чтобы просто посмотреть что и как там в плане разработке.
Поэтому следующим шагом в изучении стал ReactNative.
По "слухам и не проверенным данным" он весьма хорошо - проверим))
Criterio del fin
Прослушал все лекции и выполнил все задания
Recursos personales
свободное время, знание JS и React, купленный курс на
Lo ecológico del objetivo
продолжаю повышать квалификацию в части JS и современных фреймоворков
1. Introduction - Course Roadmap
2. Roadmap to the First App
3. Official Course Github Repo
4. OSX Installation
5. More on OSX Installation
6. Running in the Simulator
7. Windows Setup of React Native
8. Android Studio and React Native CLI Installation
9. Emulator Creation and System Variables
10. ESLint Setup and Overview
11. ESLint Setup with Atom
12. ESLint Setup with Sublime Text 3
13. ESLint Setup with VSCode
14. Project Directory Walkthrough
15. Getting Content on the Screen
16. React vs React Native
17. Creating a Component with JSX
18. Registering a Component
19. Destructuring Imports
20. Application Outline
21. The Header Component
22. Consuming File Exports
23. Styling with React Native
24. More on Styling Components
25. Introduction to Flexbox
26. Header Styling
27. Making the Header Reusable
28. Sourcing Album Data
29. List Component Boilerplate
30. Class Based Components
31. Lifecycle Methods
32. Network Requests
33. Component Level State
34. More on Component Level State
35. Rendering a List of Components
36. Displaying Individual Albums
37. Fantastic Reusable Components - The Card
38. Styling a Card
39. Passing Components as Props
40. Dividing Cards into Sections
42. Positioning of Elements on Mobile
43. More on Styling
44. Images with React Native
45. Displaying Album Artwork
46. Making Content Scrollable
47. Handling User Input with Buttons
48. Styling of Buttons with UX Considerations
49. Responding to User Input
50. Linking Between Mobile Apps
51. Setting Button Text by Props
52. App Wrapup
53. Auth App Introduction
54. A Common Root Component
55. Copying Reusable Components
56. What is Firebase?
57. Firebase Client Setup
41. Mastering Layout with Flexbox
58. Login Form Scaffolding
59. Handling User Inputs
60. More on Handling User Inputs
61. How to Create Controlled Components
62. Making Text Inputs From Scratch
63. A Focus on Passing Props
64. Making the Input Pretty
65. Wrapping up Inputs
66. Password Inputs
67. Logging a User In
68. Error Handling
69. More on Authentication Flow
70. Creating an Activity Spinner
71. Conditional Rendering of JSX
72. Clearing the Form Spinner
73. Handling Authentication Events
74. More on Conditional Rendering
75. Logging a User Out and Wrapup
76. App Mockup and Approach
77. The Basics of Redux
78. More on Redux
80. Application Boilerplate
81. More on Redux Boilerplate
79. Redux is Hard!
82. Rendering the Header
83. Reducer and State Design
84. Library List of Data
85. JSON CopyPaste
86. The Connect Function
87. MapStateToProps with Connect
88. A Quick Review and Breather
89. The Theory of ListView
90. ListView in Practice
91. Rendering a Single Row
93. Creating the Selection Reducer
94. Introducing Action Creators
92. Styling the List
95. Calling Action Creators
96. Adding a Touchable
97. Rules of Reducers
98. Expanding a Row
99. Moving Logic Out of Components
100. Animations
101. Wrapup
103. App Challenges
104. Just a Touch More Setup
105. More on Boilerplate Setup
106. Login Form in a Redux World
102. Overview of Our Next App
108. Handling Form Updates with Action Creators
109. Wiring up Action Creators
110. Typed Actions
107. Rebuilding the Login Form
113. More on Creating Immutable State
114. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Action Creators
111. Immutable State
112. Creating Immutable State
115. Introduction to Redux Thunk
117. Redux Thunk in Practice Continued
119. Creating User Accounts
121. A Firebase Gotcha
122. Showing a Spinner on Loading
116. Redux Thunk in Practice
120. Showing Error Messages
118. Making LoginUser More Robust
123. Dealing with Navigation
124. Navigation in the Router
125. Addressing Styling Issues
126. Displaying Multiple Scenes
127. Navigating Between Routes
128. Grouping Scenes with Buckets
129. Navigation Bar Buttons
131. Building the Employee Creation Form
132. Employee Form Actions
133. Handling Form Updates at the Reducer Level
134. Dynamic Property Updates
136. Pickers and Style Overrides
130. Navigating to the Employee Creation Form
135. The Picker Component
137. Firebase JSON Schema
139. Creating Records with Firebase
140. Default Form Values
141. Successful Data Save to Firebase
138. Data Security in Firebase
142. Resetting Form Properties
144. Storing Data by ID
146. Transforming Objects to Arrays
147. List Building in Employee List
145. Dynamic DataSource Building
143. Fetching Data from Firebase
149. Create vs Edit Forms
148. Reusing the Employee Form
150. Reusable Forms
151. A Standalone Employee Edit Form
152. Initializing Forms from State
153. Updating Firebase Records
154. Clearing Form Attributes
155. Texting Employees
156. Modals as a Reusable Component
157. The Modal Component Continued
158. Styling the Modal
159. Employee Delete Action Creator
161. Bonus? Bonus!
160. Wiring up Employee Delete
- 2980
- 13 octubre 2016, 19:55
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