Этап 1

Course Overview and Digital Influence on Marketing


Этап 2

Basics of Web Analytics


Этап 3

Basic Analytics Techniques and the Data


Этап 4

Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Data


Этап 1

Course Overview and Digital Influence on Marketing


Этап 2

Basics of Web Analytics


Этап 3

Basic Analytics Techniques and the Data


Этап 4

Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Data

18 октября 2016 21 ноября 2016
Цель завершена 28 января 2017

Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory

About this Course

Learn the introductory theory and strategy behind marketing analytics that provides marketers with the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives. This course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and onlinemba.illinois.edu.

4 weeks of study, 8-10 hours/week

 Критерий завершения

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  1. Course Overview and Digital Influence on Marketing

    In this module, you will become familiar with the course, your instructor, your classmates, and the learning environment. The orientation also helps you obtain the technical skills required for the course. Then you will learn the short history of digital technology developments in four epochs and the three-step marketing model

    1. Video: Welcome to Marketing Analytics in Theory

    2. Reading: Syllabus

    3. Reading: About the Discussion Forums

    4. Reading: About the Rubric for Peer Assessment

    5. Reading: Glossary

    6. Reading: Brand Descriptions

    7. Reading: Social Media

    8. Reading: Getting to Know Your Classmates

    9. Practice Quiz: Orientation Quiz

    10. Reading: Module 1 Overview

    11. Reading: Module 1 Readings

    12. Video: Lesson 1: The Day The Geeks Took Over, Part 1

    13. Video: Lesson 1: The Day The Geeks Took Over, Part 2

    14. Practice Quiz: Lesson 1 Practice Quiz

    15. Discussion Prompt: Module 1 Discussion

    16. Graded: Module 1 Quiz

    17. Graded: Module 1 Peer Assessment

  2. Basics of Web Analytics

    In this module, you will learn the basic concepts of marketing analytics which includes variety of marketing analytics tools and numerous types of brand problems.

    1. Reading: Module 2 Overview

    2. Reading: Module 2 Readings

    3. Video: Lesson 2: The Basics Of Web Analytics, Part 1

    4. Video: Lesson 2: The Basics Of Web Analytics, Part 2

    5. Practice Quiz: Lesson 2 Practice Quiz

    6. Video: Lesson 3: An Introduction To Web Analytics Tools, Part 1

    7. Video: Lesson 3: An Introduction To Web Analytics Tools, Part 2

    8. Practice Quiz: Lesson 3 Practice Quiz

    9. Discussion Prompt: Module 2 Discussion

    10. Graded: Module 2 Quiz

    11. Graded: Module 2 Peer Assessment

  3. Basic Analytics Techniques and the Data

    In this module, you will develop a deep understanding of consumers, their web interactions with brands, and different analytics tools to measure those interactions.

    1. Reading: Module 3 Overview

    2. Reading: Module 3 Readings

    3. Video: Lesson 4: Where It All Begins, Part 1

    4. Video: Lesson 4: Where It All Begins, Part 2

    5. Practice Quiz: Lesson 4 Practice Quiz

    6. Video: Lesson 5: The Consumer–Brand Relationship, Part 1

    7. Video: Lesson 5: The Consumer–Brand Relationship, Part 2

    8. Practice Quiz: Lesson 5 Practice Quiz

    9. Discussion Prompt: Module 3 Discussion

    10. Graded: Module 3 Quiz

    11. Graded: Module 3 Peer Assessment

  4. Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Data

    In this module, you will develop an in depth understanding of New Media data and become equipped to describe the overall marketing analytics process and challenges.

    1. Reading: Module 4 Overview

    2. Reading: Module 4 Readings

    3. Video: Lesson 6: Data, Data, Everywhere, Part 1

    4. Video: Lesson 6: Data, Data, Everywhere, Part 2

    5. Practice Quiz: Lesson 6 Practice Quiz

    6. Video: Lesson 7: New Media – New Data, New Opportunities, New Dangers, Part 1

    7. Video: Lesson 7: New Media – New Data, New Opportunities, New Dangers, Part 2

    8. Practice Quiz: Lesson 7 Practice Quiz

    9. Discussion Prompt: Module 4 Discussion

    10. Graded: Module 4 Quiz

    11. Graded: Module 4 Peer Assessment

  • 1197
  • 18 октября 2016, 05:10


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