Etapa 1

Learn Spanish on Duolingo and reach 20th level (now on 16th)


Etapa 2

Watch movies and TV series


Etapa 3

Subsribe on Spanish language courses


Etapa 4

Read books


Etapa 5

Read theory on Lingust


Etapa 1

Learn Spanish on Duolingo and reach 20th level (now on 16th)


Etapa 2

Watch movies and TV series


Etapa 3

Subsribe on Spanish language courses


Etapa 4

Read books


Etapa 5

Read theory on Lingust

26 octubre 2016 31 diciembre 2016
Objetivo vencido en % days%

El objetivo está desatendido

El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 7 años 5 meses 6 días

Lenguas extranjeras

Learn Spanish

I have to learn Spanish language in two months. I MUST do this. I do not have any special reasons for learning this language, everything is clear and simple: I want to learn it. I have already reach some starting levels on Duolingo and I have to read more theory on Lingust.

 Criterio del fin

Speak and understand Spanish at least as Armenian or English

 Recursos personales

Money for monthly payments for teaching and two moths of time

 Lo ecológico del objetivo

Foreign languages are always actual and Spanish is not exception. I need this

  1. Learn Spanish on Duolingo and reach 20th level (now on 16th)

    1. Reach 17th level

    2. Reach 18th level

    3. Reach 19th level

    4. Reach 20th level

  2. Watch movies and TV series

    1. Extra Espanol (4-6 series)

    2. Extra Espanol (7-9 series)

    3. Extra Espanol (10-13 series)

    4. GOT in Spanish

    5. LOTR in Spanish

  3. Subsribe on Spanish language courses

    It's necessary for me to pass some courses because I don't have possibility to speak and learn among native speaker of Spanish. I'm sure that after this courses I will be able to express my minds.

    Coste de la etapa — 100.00 $

    1. Subscribe on Spanish courses

    2. Visit 1-2 courses

    3. Visit 3-4 courses

    4. Visit 5-6 courses

    5. Visit 7-8 courses

    6. Visit 9-10 courses

  4. Read books

    1. Misterio en las Alpujarras

    2. Persecución en Madrid

  5. Read theory on Lingust

    1. Lessons 1-6

    2. Lessons 7-12

    3. Lessons 13-18

    4. Lessons 19-24

    5. Lessons 25-30

    6. Lessons 31-36

    7. Lessons 37-42

    8. Lessons 43-48

    9. Lessons 49-54

    10. Lessons 55-60

  • 789
  • 26 octubre 2016, 19:39

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