Etapa 1

Contact form

16 enero—18 enero


Etapa 2


17 enero—19 enero


Etapa 3

Service description & pages

19 enero—22 enero


Etapa 4


23 enero—23 enero


Etapa 5

Link all buttons and clickable elements together

24 enero—25 enero


Etapa 6

Check functionality and go through all inconsistencies


Etapa 7

Create logo

24 enero—25 enero


Etapa 1

Contact form

16 enero—18 enero


Etapa 3

Service description & pages

19 enero—22 enero


Etapa 4


23 enero—23 enero


Etapa 5

Link all buttons and clickable elements together

24 enero—25 enero


Etapa 2


17 enero—19 enero


Etapa 7

Create logo

24 enero—25 enero


Etapa 6

Check functionality and go through all inconsistencies

16 enero 2017 30 enero 2017
Objetivo vencido en % days%

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Autor del objetivo

Negocio y Finanzas

Finish the first draft of edpavlovski.com

Starting something from nothing is hard. Possessing a lot of knowledge is not enough if you don't have representation. And personal webpage is key point to start with.

Right now I need to finish all the basic functions. First draft of the webpage should have simple design (will be altered in future), ways to communicate with potential customer (contact form and explanation of how can I help him or her) and be able to gather email database.

Social network representation, analytics, blog and other fancy stuff will be components of my second draft.

 Criterio del fin

Website's main functions (communication, logo, email list collection and displayed info) are running smoothly on desktops and mobile gadgets.

  1. Contact form

    Finish my contact form in 2 ways: popup and on-page versions

  2. Footer

    Create a footer and terms & conditions page.

  3. Service description & pages

    Create description of services on home page. Add 3 pages with detailed description. Each page should contain 2 areas (description and benefits) + footer.

  4. Method

    Create description for method section. Should contain info on my beliefs and ways of doing business.

  5. Link all buttons and clickable elements together

  6. Check functionality and go through all inconsistencies

    Find if everything is working properly on various screen resolutions, browsers and gadgets. Probably will miss few bugs, but never exclude tests from the working process.

  7. Create logo

    Create a simple logo with the name of the company. Maybe will have to buy it on feverr or any other service. But first will try myself.

  • 595
  • 16 enero 2017, 18:04

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