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Получить 1 kyu в codewars.com по С++
In our dojo, kata are real code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving. Each kata is crafted for and by the community.
Kyu/Dan Ranks
Each kata on the site is set to a Kyu/Dan rank, based on its subject area and difficulty. The community collectively determines rank in the Beta Process. Every new Codewarrior (user) on Codewars starts being ranked as 8 Kyu.
What are Kyu and Dan? The terms are borrowed from a system in Japanese martial arts, which is in turn borrowed from the game of Go. Kyu indicates the number of degrees away from master level (Dan). This is why they count downward. Once you reach master level, we count upward.
Критерій завершення
Получение 1 kyu в codewars.com по С++
Получить 7 kyu
Получить 6 kyu
Получить 5 kyu
Получить 4 kyu
Получить 3 kyu
Получить 2 kyu
Получить 1 kyu
- 3251
- 19 січня 2017, 13:13
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