Etapa 1

Bike 500km


Etapa 2

Get rid of the belly!


Etapa 3

Gain some muscle weight, the total weight should be around 75 kg


Etapa 1

Bike 500km


Etapa 2

Get rid of the belly!


Etapa 3

Gain some muscle weight, the total weight should be around 75 kg

01 febrero 2017 31 diciembre 2017
Objetivo completado 9 marzo 2018

Sport accomplishments

After the bike accident last year I didn't do anything, so this year I want to get back to biking and start working out in gym. Maybe I'll also take a small biking tour from one city to another, we'll see.

 Criterio del fin

Get rid of the belly and grow muscle weight

  1. Bike 500km

    This is a very light goal for anybody who bikes regularly, but I'm not sure of myself, esp. given that I need to have another surgery or two this year.

    1. 100km

    2. 200km

    3. 300km

    4. 400km

    5. 500km

  2. Get rid of the belly!

    Hard to measure, I'll ask my wife if it is achieved :)

  3. Gain some muscle weight, the total weight should be around 75 kg

    Starting from 70kg in January 2017

  • 868
  • 01 febrero 2017, 20:42

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