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Front-End Developer
Цель-план для получения всех навыков хорошего фронт-эндера. + получения сертификата подтверждения.
Критерий завершения
получен сертификат, выполнены все задания.
Личные ресурсы
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Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 1 HTML5 and CSS
Модуль 1
Модуль 2
Модуль 3
Модуль 4
Модуль 5
Модуль 6
Модуль 7
Модуль 8
Модуль 9
HTMLAcademy Базовый интенсив
Декоративные элементы
Оформление контента
Введение в JS
Прогрессивное улучшение
Особенности семантики
LOFTSchool Верстка для начинающих
01 - Открытие потока
02 - Как устроен интернет
03 - HTML#1
04 - CSS#1
05 - HTML#2
06 - ВЕРСТКА 1
08 - Верстка 2
09 - CSS2(SASS)
10 - Мастеркласс №1
11 - CSS#3
12 - ВЕРСТКА #2.1
14 - Верстка №3
15 - Мастеркласс ДЗ1
16 - JavaScript#1
17 - JavaScript #2
18 - jQuery
19 - Пакетные менеджеры и основы работы с консолью
20 - jQuery на практике
22 - SVG
23 - GULP
24 - Git
25 - HTML5 и работа с API
26 - CMS MODx
27 - Мастеркласс ДЗ-2
28 - Устройство на работу. Закрытие
[Специалист] HTML и CSS
HTML и CSS. Уровень 2 2-1
HTML и CSS. Уровень 2 2-2
HTML и CSS. Уровень 2 2-3
HTML и CSS. Уровень 2 2-4
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-1
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-2
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-3
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-4
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-5
HTML и CSS. Уровень 3 3-6
Урок 01. Знакомство с курсом HTML5&CSS3
Урок 02. Введение в HTML5
Урок 03. HTML5 формы. Теги video и audio
Урок 04. Микроданные и геолокация
Урок 05. Canvas
Урок 06. WebStorage, WebWorkers, Offline Applications
Урок 07. Введение в CSS3
Урок 08. Web Fonts и стили для текста
Урок 09. Псевдоклассы и градиенты
Урок 10. Трансформации и анимация
Урок 11. LESS и адаптивный дизайн
ITVDN HTML5 & CSS3 (обновленный)
Урок 01. Знакомство с курсом HTML&CSS
Урок 02. Введение в HTML
Урок 03. Работа с изображениями
Урок 04. Таблицы и списки
Урок 05. Теги div и span
Урок 06. Таблицы стилей CSS
Урок 07. Метатеги и верстка страниц
Урок 08. Формы
Урок 09. Верстка веб-страницы
ITVDN HTML5 Web Components
Урок 1. Введение в Web Components
Урок 2. Shadow DOM
Урок 3. Псевдо классы и использование импортов
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 2 Responsive Design with Bootstrap
Use Responsive Design with Bootstrap Fluid Containers Incomplete
Make Images Mobile Responsive Incomplete
Center Text with Bootstrap Incomplete
Create a Bootstrap Button Incomplete
Create a Block Element Bootstrap Button Incomplete
Taste the Bootstrap Button Color Rainbow Incomplete
Call out Optional Actions with Button Info Incomplete
Warn your Users of a Dangerous Action Incomplete
Use the Bootstrap Grid to Put Elements Side By Side Incomplete
Ditch Custom CSS for Bootstrap Incomplete
Use Spans for Inline Elements Incomplete
Create a Custom Heading Incomplete
Add Font Awesome Icons to our Buttons Incomplete
Add Font Awesome Icons to all of our Buttons Incomplete
Responsively Style Radio Buttons Incomplete
Responsively Style Checkboxes Incomplete
Style Text Inputs as Form Controls Incomplete
Line up Form Elements Responsively with Bootstrap Incomplete
Create a Bootstrap Headline Incomplete
House our page within a Bootstrap Container Fluid Div Incomplete
Create a Bootstrap Row Incomplete
Split your Bootstrap Row Incomplete
Create Bootstrap Wells Incomplete
Add Elements within your Bootstrap Wells Incomplete
Apply the Default Bootstrap Button Style Incomplete
Create a Class to Target with jQuery Selectors Incomplete
Add ID Attributes to Bootstrap Elements Incomplete
Label Bootstrap Wells Incomplete
Give Each Element a Unique ID Incomplete
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 3 jQuery
Learn how Script Tags and Document Ready Work Incomplete
Target HTML Elements with Selectors Using jQuery Incomplete
Target Elements by Class Using jQuery Incomplete
Target Elements by ID Using jQuery Incomplete
Delete your jQuery Functions Incomplete
Target the same element with multiple jQuery Selectors Incomplete
Remove Classes from an element with jQuery Incomplete
Change the CSS of an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Disable an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Change Text Inside an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Remove an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Use appendTo to Move Elements with jQuery Incomplete
Clone an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Target the Parent of an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Target the Children of an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Target a Specific Child of an Element Using jQuery Incomplete
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 4 Basic Front End Development Projects
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 5 Basic JavaScript
Comment your JavaScript Code Incomplete
Declare JavaScript Variables Incomplete
Storing Values with the Assignment Operator Incomplete
Initializing Variables with the Assignment Operator Incomplete
Understanding Uninitialized Variables Incomplete
Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables Incomplete
Add Two Numbers with JavaScript Incomplete
Subtract One Number from Another with JavaScript Incomplete
Multiply Two Numbers with JavaScript Incomplete
Divide One Number by Another with JavaScript Incomplete
Increment a Number with JavaScript Incomplete
Decrement a Number with JavaScript Incomplete
Create Decimal Numbers with JavaScript Incomplete
Multiply Two Decimals with JavaScript Incomplete
Divide one Decimal by Another with JavaScript Incomplete
Finding a Remainder in JavaScript Incomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented Addition Incomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction Incomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication Incomplete
Compound Assignment With Augmented Division Incomplete
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Incomplete
Declare String Variables Incomplete
Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings Incomplete
Quoting Strings with Single Quotes Incomplete
Escape Sequences in Strings Incomplete
Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator Incomplete
Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator Incomplete
Constructing Strings with Variables Incomplete
Appending Variables to Strings Incomplete
Find the Length of a String Incomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String Incomplete
Understand String Immutability Incomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String Incomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String Incomplete
Use Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String Incomplete
Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays Incomplete
Nest one Array within Another Array Incomplete
Access Array Data with Indexes Incomplete
Modify Array Data With Indexes Incomplete
Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With push() Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With pop() Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With shift() Incomplete
Manipulate Arrays With unshift() Incomplete
Write Reusable JavaScript with Functions Incomplete
Passing Values to Functions with Arguments Incomplete
Global Scope and Functions Incomplete
Local Scope and Functions Incomplete
Global vs. Local Scope in Functions Incomplete
Return a Value from a Function with Return Incomplete
Assignment with a Returned Value Incomplete
Understanding Boolean Values Incomplete
Use Conditional Logic with If Statements Incomplete
Comparison with the Equality Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Strict Equality Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Inequality Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Strict Inequality Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Greater Than Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Less Than Operator Incomplete
Comparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator Incomplete
Comparisons with the Logical And Operator Incomplete
Comparisons with the Logical Or Operator Incomplete
Introducing Else Statements Incomplete
Introducing Else If Statements Incomplete
Logical Order in If Else Statements Incomplete
Chaining If Else Statements Incomplete
Selecting from many options with Switch Statements Incomplete
Adding a default option in Switch statements Incomplete
Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements Incomplete
Replacing If Else Chains with Switch Incomplete
Returning Boolean Values from Functions Incomplete
Return Early Pattern for Functions Incomplete
Build JavaScript Objects Incomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with the Dot Operator Incomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with Bracket Notation Incomplete
Accessing Objects Properties with Variables Incomplete
Updating Object Properties Incomplete
Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object Incomplete
Delete Properties from a JavaScript Object Incomplete
Using Objects for Lookups Incomplete
Testing Objects for Properties Incomplete
Manipulating Complex Objects Incomplete
Accessing Nested Objects Incomplete
Accessing Nested Arrays Incomplete
Iterate with JavaScript For Loops Incomplete
Iterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop Incomplete
Count Backwards With a For Loop Incomplete
Iterate Through an Array with a For Loop Incomplete
Iterate with JavaScript While Loops Incomplete
Generate Random Fractions with JavaScript Incomplete
Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript Incomplete
Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range Incomplete
Sift through Text with Regular Expressions Incomplete
Find Numbers with Regular Expressions Incomplete
HTMLAcademy Продвинутый интенсив
learnJS Кантора
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 6 Object Oriented and Functional Programming
Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables Incomplete
Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions Incomplete
Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function Incomplete
Make Unique Objects by Passing Parameters to our Constructor Incomplete
Make Object Properties Private Incomplete
Iterate over Arrays with .map Incomplete
Condense arrays with .reduce Incomplete
Filter Arrays with .filter Incomplete
Sort Arrays with .sort Incomplete
Reverse Arrays with .reverse Incomplete
Concatenate Arrays with .concat Incomplete
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 7 Basic Algorithm Scripting
Get Set for our Algorithm Challenges Incomplete
Factorialize a Number Incomplete *
Check for Palindromes Incomplete *
Find the Longest Word in a String Incomplete *
Title Case a Sentence Incomplete *
Return Largest Numbers in Arrays Incomplete *
Confirm the Ending Incomplete *
Repeat a string repeat a string Incomplete *
Truncate a string Incomplete *
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 8 JSON APIs and Ajax
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 9 Intermediate Front End Development Projects
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 10 Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 11 Advanced Algorithm Scripting
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 12 Advanced Front End Development Projects
Docode.ru / FreeCodeCamp 13 Claim Your Front End Development Certificate
- 1584
- 25 февраля 2017, 13:13
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