Learn С++
To truly call myself a software engineer I need for sure to have a good knowledge of C++. I think it's a must. So, I'm creating this goal to learn C++ in the shortest time possible (like 6 months).
Критерий завершения
to be comfortable to write programs
Read C++ by Stanley Lippman
This book is in Russian. Some chapters I will skip, where there are many similarities with C and Java.
Библиотечные типы данных
Массивы и указатели
Выражения (некоторые темы)
Функции - интересуют указатели на функции и перегруженные функции
Библиотека ввода-вывода
Контейнеры и алгоритмы
Управление копированием
Перегрузка операторов
Read C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup
This book has 1366 pages. That's a lot.
If I finish this book and still be alive, I will buy tickets to Italy or Spain and spend the whole week there doing nothing!!!
Similar chapters with previous book.
Threads and Concurrency.
- 1052
- 15 марта 2017, 07:18
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