Этап 1

First Look!!!


Этап 2

Selenium IDE Tutorial


Этап 3

WebDriver Tutorial


Этап 4

The Advance Stuff!


Этап 1

First Look!!!


Этап 2

Selenium IDE Tutorial


Этап 3

WebDriver Tutorial


Этап 4

The Advance Stuff!

30 марта 2017

Цель заброшена

Автор не отписывался в цели 7 лет 9 месяцев 8 дней


пройти Free Selenium Tutorials на guru99.com

ох, давно откладывала эту цель. начинала, потом бросала, а сейчас думаю подойти к этому серьезно. На работе есть web приложение, хочу на его базе создать создать набор автотестов. А вдруг мне понравится и я стану великим автотестером

  1. First Look!!!

    1. Introduction to Selenium

  2. Selenium IDE Tutorial

    1. Install Selenium IDE and FireBug

    2. Introduction to Selenium IDE

    3. Creating your First Selenium IDE script

    4. How to use Locators in Selenium IDE

    5. How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE

    6. Store Variables, Echo, Alert, PopUp handling in Selenium IDE

  3. WebDriver Tutorial

    1. Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC

    2. Guide to install Selenium WebDriver

    3. Creating your First Script in Webdriver

    4. Accessing Forms in Webdriver

    5. How to Select Option from DropDown using Selenium Webdriver

    6. Accessing Links & Tables using Selenium Webdriver

    7. Keyboard & Mouse Event using Action Class in Selenium Webdriver

    8. How to Upload & Download a File using Selenium Webdriver

  4. The Advance Stuff!

    1. How TestNG makes Selenium tests easier

    2. Introduction to Selenium Grid

    3. Parameterization using XML and DataProviders: Selenium

    4. Cross Browser Testing using Selenium

    5. All About Excel in Selenium: POI & JXL

    6. Creating Keyword & Hybrid Frameworks with Selenium

    7. Page Object Model (POM) & Page Factory in Selenium: Ultimate Guide

    8. PDF , Emails and Screenshot of Test Reports in Selenium

    9. How to Take Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver

    10. Using Contains, Sibling, Ancestor to Find Element in Selenium

    11. Selenium Core Extensions

    12. Sessions, Parallel run and Dependency in Selenium

    13. Handling Date Time Picker using Selenium

    14. Using Apache Ant with Selenium

    15. Tutorial on Log4j and LogExpert with Selenium

    16. Maven & Jenkins with Selenium: Complete Tutorial

    17. Selenium with HTMLUnit Driver & PhantomJS

    18. Database Testing using Selenium: Step by Step Guide

    19. Using Robot API with Selenium

    20. Handling Iframes in Selenium

    21. Test Case Priority in TestNG

    22. Using Selenium with Github

    23. Implicit & Explicit Waits in Selenium

    24. How to use AutoIT with Selenium

    25. TestNG: Execute multiple test suites

    26. Desired Capabilities in Selenium

    27. Handling Cookies in Selenium WebDriver

    28. Alert & Popup handling in Selenium

    29. SSL Certificate Error Handling in Selenium

    30. XPath in Selenium: Complete Guide

    31. Handling Ajax call in Selenium Webdriver

    32. Listeners and their use in Selenium WebDriver

    33. Firefox Profile - Selenium WebDriver

    34. Breakpoints and Startpoints in Selenium

    35. Execute JavaScript based code using Selenium Webdriver

    36. Using SoapUI with Selenium

    37. XSLT Report in Selenium

    38. Using Selenium with Python

    39. How to use intelliJ & Selenium Webdriver

    40. Top 100 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers

    41. Flash Testing with Selenium

    42. Introduction to TestNG Groups

  • 1259
  • 30 марта 2017, 13:20


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