Full Stack Web Development Specialization (coursera)
Just to keep track of my super-duper learning of web development.
Full Stack Web Development Specialization have 6 courses in it.
According to coursera this specialization will take about 6-8 month of learning. You pay 44 eur per month and can do it as fast or as slow as you want. Every course have it's own schedule, they start each course ~ once per month. Also you have assignment to do with due dates and grades. So... maybe it's too optimistic, but I want to finish this specialization in 2 months, 3 months max. Let's go!
Критерий завершения
Личные ресурсы
time, desire and 44 eur per month
COURSE NR 2 - Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools
4 weeks course
start 12.06.2017
Front-end Web UI Frameworks Overview: Bootstrap - videos, reading, practice exercises
Front-end Web UI Frameworks Overview: Bootstrap - Assignment 1
Bootstrap CSS Components - videos, reading, practice exercises
Bootstrap CSS Components - Assignment 2
Bootstrap Javascript Components - videos, reading, practice exercises
Bootstrap Javascript Components - Assignment 3
Web Tools - videos, reading, practice exercises
Web Tools - Assignment 4
COURSE NR 1 - HTML, CSS and JavaScript
3 weeks course
start 16.06.2017
HTML & CSS - videos, reading, practice exercises
HTML & CSS - Assignment 1: Dating Web Site Assessment
Introduction to JavaScript - videos, reading, practice exercises
Introduction to JavaScript - Assignment 2: Color guessing game
Advanced JavaScript - videos, reading, practice exercises
Advanced JavaScript - Assignment 3: Matching Game
COURSE NR 3 - Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS
4 weeks course
start 05.06.2017
Front-End Javascript Frameworks: AngularJS Overview - videos, reading, practice exercises
Front-End Javascript Frameworks: AngularJS Overview - Assignment 1: Introduction to AngularJS
Task Runners, Angular Scope, Forms and Form Validation - videos, reading, practice exercises
Task Runners, Angular Scope, Forms and Form Validation - Assignment 2: Angular Forms
Single Page Applications - videos, reading, practice exercises
Single Page Applications- Assignment 3: Single Page Applications
Client-Server Communication and Angular Testing - videos, reading, practice exercises
Client-Server Communication and Angular Testing - Assignment 4: Client-Server Communication
COURSE NR 4 - Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies
4 weeks course
start 12.06.2017
Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks: An Introduction - videos, reading, practice exercises
Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks: An Introduction - Assignment 1: Exploring Ionic Framework
More Ionic CSS and JavaScript - videos, reading, practice exercises
More Ionic CSS and JavaScript - Assignment 2: Ionic Modals, Forms, Popovers
Deploying your App - videos, reading, practice exercises
Deploying your App - Assignment 3: Resolve and Local Storage
Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: Cordova and ngCordova - videos, reading, practice exercises
Accessing Native Capabilities of Devices: Cordova and ngCordova - Assignment 4: Cordova and ngCordova
COURSE NR 5 - Server-side Development with NodeJS
4 weeks course
start 12.06.2017
Introduction to Server-side Development - videos, reading, practice exercises
Introduction to Server-side Development - Assignment 1: Node Modules, Express and REST API
Data, Data, Where art Thou Data? - videos, reading, practice exercises
Data, Data, Where art Thou Data?- Assignment 2: MongoDB and Mongoose
Halt! Who goes there?- videos, reading, practice exercises
Halt! Who goes there?- Assignment 3: User Authentication
Backend as a Service (BaaS) - videos, reading, practice exercises
Backend as a Service (BaaS) - Assignment 4
COURSE NR 6 - Full Stack Web Development Specialization Capstone Project
8 weeks course
Стоимость этапа — 13795.2 ₽
Ideation - videos, reading, practice exercises
Ideation Report - videos, reading, practice exercises
Ideation Report - Assignment 1
UI Design and Prototyping - videos, reading, practice exercises
UI Design and Prototyping Report - videos, reading, practice exercises
UI Design and Prototyping Report: Assignment 2
Architecture Design and Software Structure - videos, reading, practice exercises
Architecture Design and Software Structure Report - videos, reading, practice exercises
Architecture Design and Software Structure Report - Assignment 3
Project Implementation and Final Report - videos, reading, practice exercises
Final Submission and Report - videos, reading, practice exercises
Final Submission and Report - Assignment: Project Implementation and Final Report - Assignment 4
- 2048
- 05 июня 2017, 16:56
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