Етап 1

Introduction to HTML


Етап 2

Getting Started with CSS


Етап 3

Build Your First Website: HTML & CSS


Етап 4

Introduction to Responsive Web Design


Етап 5

Introduction to JavaScript


Етап 6

Introduction to Git


Етап 1

Introduction to HTML


Етап 2

Getting Started with CSS


Етап 3

Build Your First Website: HTML & CSS


Етап 4

Introduction to Responsive Web Design


Етап 5

Introduction to JavaScript


Етап 6

Introduction to Git

07 червня 2017 10 липня 2017
Ціль прострочена на 2696 днів

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Україна, Киев

40 Рік / року / років


Path: Learn to Build a Website

New to web development? This is the right path to start with! You’ll start with HTML (the building blocks of all websites), CSS (to add color and design), and JavaScript (to make things interactive). Along the way you’ll learn the techniques and tools that professional web developers use to build websites. By the end of this path, you’ll have built your own website, and be able to tackle the basics of building and customising a website. Nice one!

 Критерій завершення

прошла весь курс

  1. Introduction to HTML

    Learn to code the language of the web

    They call HTML “the markup language of the web”, and for good reason: every web page is rendered in HTML in some way. It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it’s essential knowledge for those of us who want to code websites.

    With nothing more than a text editor and a browser, Guilherme shows you how to use the main HTML tags to code the semantic markup of a professional web page. You’ll also learn to test and validate your code for cross-device and cross-browser compatibility.

    1. Lesson 1: Course Introduction

    2. Lesson 2: Getting started with HTML

    3. Lesson 3: Working with HTML

    4. Lesson 4: Structuring Your HTML Layout

    5. Lesson 5: Testing your HTML

    6. Lesson 6: Course Conclusion

  2. Getting Started with CSS

  3. Build Your First Website: HTML & CSS

  4. Introduction to Responsive Web Design

  5. Introduction to JavaScript

  6. Introduction to Git

  • 744
  • 07 червня 2017, 06:16


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