Step 1

Read basic material about chosen subject.

05 December—31 January


Step 2

Application of knowledge.

05 December—31 January


Step 1

Read basic material about chosen subject.

05 December—31 January


Step 2

Application of knowledge.

05 December—31 January

05 December 2013 31 January 2015
The goal is overdue by 3519 days

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 10 years 9 months 13 days


Хочу научится понимать бухгалтерию

Понимание бухгалтерии дает неоспоримое преимущество в ведении бизнеса.

  1. Read basic material about chosen subject.

    Find out best books about accountance, choose the most popular and those ones, which describing the basics.

  2. Application of knowledge.

    Apply knowledge that I have got from books to real life, such as balance sheet.

  • 991
  • 05 December 2013, 16:08
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