Цель заброшена
Автор не отписывался в цели 6 лет 4 месяца 7 дней
Learn Japanese
Total Kanji: ~2000
Total Vocabulary: ~10,000
Grammar List
Критерий завершения
Pass JLPT N1 exam
Личные ресурсы
For the most part of this goal I am going to use Internet materials
Экологичность цели
I always has been curious about Japan since many years ago, so I finally decided to create a goal and I really want to pass that one. It's not about the exam itself, but ability to read, speak and write in Japanese.
Kanji: ~100
Vocabulary: ~800
Grammar List: ~40
Summary: Can understand classroom phrases with hiragana and very simple kanji. Can understand patterned phrases and glean needed information.
Kanji: ~300
Vocabulary: ~1,500
Grammar List
Summary: Can understand daily-life conversations, if spoken slowly. Can read simple materials aimed at non-native speakers.
Kanji: ~650
Vocabulary: ~3,750
Grammar List
Summary: Can understand native materials if rewritten with simplified vocabulary and kanji. Can follow everyday conversations at natural speed.
Kanji: ~1000
Vocabulary: ~6,000
Grammar List
Summary: Can read written materials on general topics and understand conversations and news at natural speed.
Kanji: ~2000
Vocabulary: ~10,000
Grammar List
Summary: Can understand speech in a variety of challenging situations. Can grasp nuance and progression of ideas in abstract and complex materials.
- 1780
- 24 мая 2018, 22:03
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