Step 1

Read article


Step 2

Collect list a chiptune artists.


Step 3

Collect a list of often used/relevant virt. instr.


Step 4

Buy a game boy DMG-01


Step 5

Complete tutorial lsdj


Step 6

Complete tutorial LSDJguised


Step 1

Read article


Step 2

Collect list a chiptune artists.


Step 3

Collect a list of often used/relevant virt. instr.


Step 4

Buy a game boy DMG-01


Step 5

Complete tutorial lsdj


Step 6

Complete tutorial LSDJguised

12 June 2018

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 6 years 6 months 19 days


Became to chiptune artist.

there is a collection of information

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Have a tour schedule. ( there is a collection of information)

  1. Read article

  2. Collect list a chiptune artists.

  3. Collect a list of often used/relevant virt. instr.

  4. Buy a game boy DMG-01

  5. Complete tutorial lsdj

    1. Introduction

    2. Hi!

    3. Important Notice

    4. Game Boy Sound

    5. Key Presses

    6. Navigating the Program

    7. Making Your First Sounds

    8. Initial Troubleshooting

    9. Hexadecimal Number System

    10. The Screens

    11. Screen Map

    12. Starting and Stopping

    13. Song Screen

    14. Chain Screen

    15. Phrase Screen

    16. Instrument Screen

    17. General Instrument Parameters

    18. Pulse Instrument Parameters

    19. Wave Instrument Parameters

    20. Kit Instrument Parameters

    21. Noise Instrument Parameters . . . .

    22. Speech Instrument Parameters

    23. Table Screen

    24. Custom Envelope Example

    25. Arpeggio Example

    26. Groove Screen

    27. Synth Screen

    28. General Parameters

    29. Start and End Parameters

    30. Wave Screen

    31. Project Screen

    32. Total Memory Reset

    33. File Screen

    34. Song List

    35. Border Information

    36. Advanced Techniques

    37. Copy and Paste

    38. Cloning

    39. Deep vs. Slim-Cloning

    40. The Importance of Backups

    41. Muting, Soloing and Panning on the Fly

    42. Live Mode

    43. Chain Loops

    44. Creating Synthetic Drum Instruments

    45. Bass Drum

    46. Snare Drum

    47. Hi-Hats and Cymbals

    48. Taking Advantage of Tables

    49. Overview of Key Presses

    50. Commands

    51. A: Table Start/Stop

    52. C: Chord

    53. For Pulse and Wave Instruments:

    54. For Noise Instruments: .

    55. D: Delay

    56. E: Amplitude Envelope .

    57. For Pulse and Noise Instruments

    58. For Wave Instruments

    59. F: Wave Frame/Finetune .

    60. For Pulse Instruments:

    61. For Kit Instruments:

    62. For Wave Instruments:

    63. G: Groove Select

    64. H: Hop

    65. H in Phrases

    66. H in Tables .

    67. K: Kill Note

    68. L: Slide

    69. L in Tables

    70. M: Master Volume

    71. O: Set Output

    72. P: Pitch Bend

    73. For Pulse, Wave and Kit Instruments:

    74. For Noise Instruments:

    75. R: Retrig the Latest Played Note

    76. S: Sweep/Shape

    77. Pulse Instruments

    78. Kit Instruments

    79. Noise Instruments

    80. T: Tempo

    81. V: Vibra

    82. W: Wave

    83. For Pulse Instruments:

    84. For Wave Instruments:

    85. Z: RandomiZe

    86. Synchronization

    87. Game Boy to Game Boy Sync

    88. Activating LSDj Sync .

    89. Song Play

    90. Live Play .

    91. Clipboard Transfer

    92. Switching Master while Playing

    93. MIDI Sync

    94. Analog In

    95. Analog Out

    96. Troubleshooting Cables

    97. Keyboard Control

    98. Keyboard Note Layout

    99. Speech Programming

    100. Introduction

    101. Linguistics

    102. Programming Words

    103. Guidelines for Using the Allophones

    104. Short vowels

    105. Long vowels

    106. R-colored vowels

    107. Resonants

    108. Voiced fricatives

    109. Voiceless fricatives

    110. Voiced stops

    111. Voiceless stops

    112. Affricates

    113. Nasal

    114. The Sample Kits

  6. Complete tutorial LSDJguised

    1. Sabrepulse LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (1/5)

    2. Sabrepulse LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (2/5)

    3. Sabrepulse LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (3/5)

    4. Sabrepulse LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (4/5)

    5. Sabrepulse LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (5/5)

    6. Wave Channel: Hardcore Kick by n0dl

    7. Wave Channel: Guitar Sounds Using the Drum Kits by Gijs Gieskes

    8. Noise Channel: Noise Kick by jw86

    9. Noise Channel: Snare Drum by Ikuma

    10. Wave Channel: Noise? by Gijs Gieskes

    11. Wave Channel: NES Bass by L-Tron

    12. Wave Channel: Make your Wave Channel say "Yoi!" by microchip

    13. Pulse Channel: Banjo and Bluegrass Bass by Hot Mess

    14. Pulse Channel: Spacey Percussion by Note!

    15. Nullsleep LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (1/5)

    16. Nullsleep LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (2/5)

    17. Nullsleep LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (3/5)

    18. Nullsleep LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (4/5)

    19. Nullsleep LSDJ Tutorial: Video Guide (5/5)

    20. Pulse Channel: Pulse Kick by robotboy

    21. Wave Channel: Buzz Bass/Lead by microchip

    22. Wave Channel: Wave Kick by nrgiga

    23. Wave Channel: "NYGAAAGHSHFDSFSSABEEZZHGGXX" Sound by goatslacker

    24. Noise Channel: Reverse Drums by goatslacker

    25. Noise Channel: Noise Kick by SoundMatrix

    26. Noise Channel: Noise Snare by SoundMatrix

    27. Wave Channel: Distorted Bass by SoundMatrix

    28. Pulse Channel: Tom Toms by Pnok

    29. Wave Channel: Punk Rock Guitar by Pnok

    30. Noise Channel: Almost C64 Noise Kick by Cris2600

    31. Wave Channel : Saw Wave Bass by 2xAA

    32. Wave Channel: Dubstep Wobble Bass by cheapshotmusic

    33. Wave Channel: Kick Tutorial by cheapshot

    34. Wave Channel: Simple Bass by cheapshot

    35. cheapshot's Guide to Starting a Track

    36. Answering some FAQs about LSDJ

    37. Noise Channel: Snare and Hi-Hat in One! by Defiant Systems

    38. Pulse Channel: Pretty Cool Leadbr0s by Whitely

    39. Wave Channel: Ultra Sexeh Arp by Whitely

    40. Wave Channel: Hardstyle/Jumpstyle Kick Drum by AlexPowers

    41. LSDJ Live Mode Tutorial by Defiant Systems

    42. Tables Tutorial by Defiant Systems

    43. Chorus and Echo Effects - defiantsystems

  • 2067
  • 12 June 2018, 00:44
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