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Get CLB10 on IELTS exam

To do my preparation process more fun and as a source of additional motivation The Game was created.

Aim of The Game: Defeat a Dragon (Get CLB10 on IELTS exam)


  1. Only heroes who reach level 10 can fight the Dragon;
  2. If they fail first attempt they can have another one after reaching level 30;
  3. To get to the next level hero has to gain 100 points;
  4. During the day hero can advance only on one level;
  5. If the level was not achieved on the day it became available, the hero has only one day to catch up;
  6. There are four different skills that hero has: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.
  7. There are different daily quests for each section and total amount of points for the day is a sum of all points for all sections divided by 4.

Quests for Listening:

  • Do mock test - 100 points;
  • Listen to podcast for 10 minutes - 10 points;
  • Read educational materials for 10 minutes - 15 points;

Quests for Reading:

  • Do mock test - 100 points;
  • Read educational materials for 10 minutes - 15 points;
  • Read IELTS-approved articles for 10 minutes - 10 points;

Quests for Speaking:

  • Do mock test - 100 points;
  • Do Task 2 part - 30 points;
  • Speak in English for 10 minutes - 10 points;

Quests for Writing:

  • Do mock test - 100 points;
  • Do Task 1 - 30 points;
  • Do Task 2 - 70 points;
  • Study educational materials for 10 minutes - 10 points;

 Критерий завершения

I am holding IELTS certificate with marks needed to achieve CLB10 (L8.5, R8.0, S7.5, W7.5)

  • 529
  • 23 октября 2018, 14:08


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