Етап 1

Stop beating your health up

30 жовтня—07 листопада


Етап 2

Take advantage against the Food industry

09 листопада—30 листопада


Етап 3

stop eating snacks and buying energy drinks. you will suffer to just drink water

01 грудня—21 грудня


Етап 1

Stop beating your health up

30 жовтня—07 листопада


Етап 2

Take advantage against the Food industry

09 листопада—30 листопада


Етап 3

stop eating snacks and buying energy drinks. you will suffer to just drink water

01 грудня—21 грудня

29 жовтня 2018 21 грудня 2018
Ціль прострочена на 2165 днів

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Автор не відписував в цілі 6 років 23 дня


Saving money

Saving either if its big or small, save much as possible and change your eating habits. no more snacks. no more sugar crap and spicy.

No more drinking. smoking and that's it.

 Критерій завершення

Save Money and buy less

  1. Stop beating your health up

    Stop smoking and drinking and pray to succeed further.

  2. Take advantage against the Food industry

    shop at the 99 cents store to save and eat healthy at the same time. continue to stop drinking and smoking as well.

  3. stop eating snacks and buying energy drinks. you will suffer to just drink water

    like what it said above. stop eating too much bullcrap and drinking sugar and be strong for the lord Jesus Christ.

  • 570
  • 29 жовтня 2018, 20:28


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