Етап 1

Web Development 101


Етап 2

Ruby Programming


Етап 3



Етап 4

Ruby on Rails


Етап 5



Етап 6



Етап 7

Getting Hired


Етап 1

Web Development 101


Етап 2

Ruby Programming


Етап 3



Етап 4

Ruby on Rails


Етап 5



Етап 6



Етап 7

Getting Hired

12 листопада 2018 01 грудня 2019
Мета завершена % date%

Автор мети


Росія, Нефтекамск

36 Рік / року / років

Кар'єра та робота

The Odin Project

Пройти полностью The Odin Project.

Отписываться каждый день о изученном материале.

Ресурсы для повторения:

  1. Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard
  2. How to Write a Git Commit Message
  3. How I TRAINed to learn Rails

Выполненные проекты:

Web Development 101

  1. Your First Rails Application
  2. Practicing GIT Basics
  3. HTML/CSS (Easy version) - не доделано
  4. HTML/CSS (Difficult Version) - не сделано
  5. Rock Paper Scissors - не сделано
  6. Etch-a-Sketch - не сделано
  7. Calculator - не сделано
  8. Ruby
  9. Ruby on Rails
  10. Pairing Project - не сделано

Ruby Programming

  1. Building blocks

 Критерій завершення

Пройти полностью курс и освоить материал

 Особисті ресурси

Океан времени, которое я трачу в пустую

 Екологічність мети

Хочу найти работу и стать счастливым

  1. Web Development 101

  2. Ruby Programming

    Basic Ruby

    In this section, we'll cover the basic building blocks of Ruby so you have them down cold. Everything else you'll learn in programming builds on these concepts, so you'll be in a great place to take on additional projects and languages in the future.

    1. How this Course Will Work

    2. Ruby Building Blocks

    3. Project: Building Blocks

    4. Advanced Ruby Building Blocks

    5. Project: Advanced Building Blocks

    Intermediate Ruby

    You've got tools in your Ruby tool box and now it's time to combine them into more meaningful programs. In this section, you'll learn how to turn your spaghetti code into properly organized methods and classes. You'll also learn how to serialize code and save it into files.

    1. Object Oriented Programming

    2. Project: OOP

    3. Files and Serialization

    4. Project: Event Manager

    5. Project: File I/O and Serialization

    A Bit of Computer Science

    In this section, you'll learn some fundamental computer science concepts that will help you when solving problems with a bit more complexity than just simple web serving. You get to try on your engineering hat and solve some pretty nifty problems.

    1. A Very Brief Intro to CS

    2. Recursive Methods

    3. Project: Recursion

    4. Common Data Structures and Algorithms

    5. Project: Linked Lists

    6. Project: Data Structures and Algorithms

    Testing Ruby with RSpec

    You've been briefly introduced to testing in Ruby a couple of times before in the Web Development 101 course, but now you're going to really learn why testing can be hugely helpful and how to apply it to your own projects.

    1. Test Driven Development

    2. Introduction to RSpec

    3. Project: Testing Your Ruby Code


    You should be familiar with the basic Git workflow since you've been using it to save your projects along the way (right?!). This section will start preparing you for for the more intermediate-level uses of Git that you'll find yourself doing .

    1. A Deeper Look at Git

    2. Using Git in the Real World


    You've come an exceptional distance already, now there's just the matter of wrapping it all together into one coherant package and creating something real. This is your Final Exam and a major feather in your cap. Once you've completed this section, you should have the confidence to tackle pretty much anything.

    1. Project: Ruby Final Project

    2. Conclusion

  3. Databases

  4. Ruby on Rails

  5. HTML and CSS

  6. Javascript

  7. Getting Hired

  • 895
  • 12 листопада 2018, 19:48


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