Step 1

Look through the handouts

15 May—31 May


Step 2

Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

05 May—30 June


Step 3

read through an A1 textbook

05 May—30 June


Step 4

Grammar books

24 June—07 July


Step 5

News in Slow German

01 August—29 August


Step 1

Look through the handouts

15 May—31 May


Step 4

Grammar books

24 June—07 July


Step 5

News in Slow German

01 August—29 August


Step 2

Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

05 May—30 June


Step 3

read through an A1 textbook

05 May—30 June

05 May 2019 29 August 2019
The goal is overdue by 1763 days

Goal abandoned

The author does not write in the goal 4 years 11 months 26 days

Foreign languages

Deutsch bis zum Niveau B2+ zu lernen

I started learning it in February 2018, currently at a B1 level. In a week, my language courses will be over and then I want to keep on learning it intensely but not only with courses.

My plan for May and June is to have two lessons with a Babbel app a day and listen to audio tracks from my textbooks, levels A2 and B1, while walking outside. Plus read through an A1 textbook to make sure I haven’t missed anything important on that level.

Second half of May: look through the pile of handouts that I collected during the courses and throw away at least 15 of them daily.

Last week of June and the first one of July: Take my grammar exercise books and make one unit a day.

In July, I hope to pass a test to enter an intense course for a B2 level. That will be commitment to daily classes for three weeks.

In August, I plan to buy a month on “News in Slow German” and do all their exercises through. Take the grammar exercise books and do exercises of two units a day.

 Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Getting a certificate in B2 in 2019

 Personal resources

I have the books, the time and some money to spend on it

 Goal ecological compatibility

The achievement depends on me, I need this language to efficiently communicate and to have more job opportunities

  1. Look through the handouts

    get rid of the pile of papers that I have left “to revise later”.

  2. Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

    spend about 2,5 hours a day on an app and on listening to my audio tracks while walking outside.

  3. read through an A1 textbook

    I need to look through 190 pages. I will start with 4 pages a day to leave space for a couple of days when I won’t be able to work on it. To be finished by the end of June.

  4. Grammar books

    daily exercises- at least one unit a day.

  5. News in Slow German

    purchase a plan for one month, print and listen daily.

  • 509
  • 05 May 2019, 09:23
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