Etapa 1

Look through the handouts

15 mayo—31 mayo


Etapa 2

Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

05 mayo—30 junio


Etapa 3

read through an A1 textbook

05 mayo—30 junio


Etapa 4

Grammar books

24 junio—07 julio


Etapa 5

News in Slow German

01 agosto—29 agosto


Etapa 1

Look through the handouts

15 mayo—31 mayo


Etapa 4

Grammar books

24 junio—07 julio


Etapa 5

News in Slow German

01 agosto—29 agosto


Etapa 2

Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

05 mayo—30 junio


Etapa 3

read through an A1 textbook

05 mayo—30 junio

05 mayo 2019 29 agosto 2019
Objetivo vencido en % days%

El objetivo está desatendido

El autor lleva sin comentar el objetivo 5 años 4 meses 27 días

Lenguas extranjeras

Deutsch bis zum Niveau B2+ zu lernen

I started learning it in February 2018, currently at a B1 level. In a week, my language courses will be over and then I want to keep on learning it intensely but not only with courses.

My plan for May and June is to have two lessons with a Babbel app a day and listen to audio tracks from my textbooks, levels A2 and B1, while walking outside. Plus read through an A1 textbook to make sure I haven’t missed anything important on that level.

Second half of May: look through the pile of handouts that I collected during the courses and throw away at least 15 of them daily.

Last week of June and the first one of July: Take my grammar exercise books and make one unit a day.

In July, I hope to pass a test to enter an intense course for a B2 level. That will be commitment to daily classes for three weeks.

In August, I plan to buy a month on “News in Slow German” and do all their exercises through. Take the grammar exercise books and do exercises of two units a day.

 Criterio del fin

Getting a certificate in B2 in 2019

 Recursos personales

I have the books, the time and some money to spend on it

 Lo ecológico del objetivo

The achievement depends on me, I need this language to efficiently communicate and to have more job opportunities

  1. Look through the handouts

    get rid of the pile of papers that I have left “to revise later”.

  2. Two lessons on Babbel a day + listen to audio

    spend about 2,5 hours a day on an app and on listening to my audio tracks while walking outside.

  3. read through an A1 textbook

    I need to look through 190 pages. I will start with 4 pages a day to leave space for a couple of days when I won’t be able to work on it. To be finished by the end of June.

  4. Grammar books

    daily exercises- at least one unit a day.

  5. News in Slow German

    purchase a plan for one month, print and listen daily.

  • 562
  • 05 mayo 2019, 09:23

Las posibilidades
están ilimitadas.
Es la hora
de descubrir las suyas

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