Этап 1

1. Introduction


Этап 2

2. Basics Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions


Этап 3

3. Efficient Development & Debugging


Этап 4

4. Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)


Этап 5

5. Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript


Этап 6

6. More on Functions


Этап 7

7. Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript


Этап 8

8. More on Arrays & Iterables


Этап 9

9. More on Objects


Этап 10

10. Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)


Этап 11

11. Deep Dive Constructor Functions & Prototypes


Этап 12

12. Practice OOP & Classes


Этап 13

13. Back to the DOM & More Browser APIs


Этап 14

14. Working with Events


Этап 15

15. Advanced Function Concepts


Этап 16

16. More on Numbers & Strings


Этап 17

17. Async JavaScript Promises & Callbacks


Этап 18

18. Working with Http Requests


Этап 19

19. Working with JavaScript Libraries


Этап 20

20. Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)


Этап 21

21. JavaScript Tooling & Workflows


Этап 22

22. Utilizing Browser Storage


Этап 23

23. JavaScript & Browser Support


Этап 24

24. Time to Practice Share My Place App


Этап 25

25. Working with JavaScript Frameworks


Этап 26

26. Meta-Programming Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API


Этап 27

27. Node.js An Introduction


Этап 28

28. Security


Этап 29

29. Deploying JavaScript Code


Этап 30

30. Performance & Optimizations


Этап 31

31. Introduction to Testing


Этап 32

32. Roundup & Next Steps


Этап 1

1. Introduction


Этап 2

2. Basics Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions


Этап 3

3. Efficient Development & Debugging


Этап 4

4. Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)


Этап 5

5. Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript


Этап 6

6. More on Functions


Этап 7

7. Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript


Этап 8

8. More on Arrays & Iterables


Этап 9

9. More on Objects


Этап 10

10. Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)


Этап 11

11. Deep Dive Constructor Functions & Prototypes


Этап 12

12. Practice OOP & Classes


Этап 13

13. Back to the DOM & More Browser APIs


Этап 14

14. Working with Events


Этап 15

15. Advanced Function Concepts


Этап 16

16. More on Numbers & Strings


Этап 17

17. Async JavaScript Promises & Callbacks


Этап 18

18. Working with Http Requests


Этап 19

19. Working with JavaScript Libraries


Этап 20

20. Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)


Этап 21

21. JavaScript Tooling & Workflows


Этап 22

22. Utilizing Browser Storage


Этап 23

23. JavaScript & Browser Support


Этап 24

24. Time to Practice Share My Place App


Этап 25

25. Working with JavaScript Frameworks


Этап 26

26. Meta-Programming Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API


Этап 27

27. Node.js An Introduction


Этап 28

28. Security


Этап 29

29. Deploying JavaScript Code


Этап 30

30. Performance & Optimizations


Этап 31

31. Introduction to Testing


Этап 32

32. Roundup & Next Steps

05 ноября 2019

Цель заморожена

Автор цели 07 марта 2020 года заморозил цель


Пройти курс JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced)

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  1. 1. Introduction

    1. Introduction

    2. What is JavaScript?

    3. JavaScript in Action!

    4. Join our Online Learning Community

    5. How JavaScript Is Executed

    6. Dynamic vs Weakly Typed Languages

    7. JavaScript Runs In A Host Environment

    8. Course Outline - What Is In The Course?

    9. How To Get The Most Out Of This Course

    10. Using Course Resources

    11. JavaScript vs Java

    12. A Brief History Of JavaScript

    13. Setting Up a Development Environment

    14. Course FAQs

  2. 2. Basics Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions

    15. Module Introduction

    16. Setting Up the Project

    17. More on Version Control & Git

    18. Adding JavaScript to the Website

    19. Introducing Variables & Constants

    20. Declaring & Defining Variables

    21. Working with Variables & Operators

    Тест 1: Variables & Operators

    22. Understanding the Starting Code

    23. Data Types: Numbers & Strings (Text)

    24. Using Constants

    25. More on Strings

    Тест 2: Data Types & Constants

    Задание 1: Time to Practice: Variables, Constants, Operators &

    Core Data Types

    26. Introducing Functions

    27. Adding A Custom Function

    28. Code Styles, Conventions & Syntax

    29. Returning Values

    30. The (Un)Importance of Code Order

    31. An Introduction to Global & Local Scope

    32. "Shadowed Variables"

    33. More about the "return" Statement

    34. Executing Functions "Indirectly"

    35. "Indirect" vs "Direct" Function Execution - Summary

    Тест 3: Functions & Scope

    Задание 2: Time to Practice: Functions

    36. Converting Data Types

    37. Mixing Numbers & Strings

    38. Splitting Code into Functions

    39. Connecting all Buttons to Functions

    40. Working with Code Comments

    41. More Operators!

    42. More Core Data Types!

    43. Using Arrays

    44. Creating Objects

    45. Objects - Common Syntax Gotchas

    46. Accessing Object Data

    Тест 4: Arrays & Objects

    47. Adding a Re-Usable Function That Uses Objects

    48. undefined, null & NaN

    49. The "typeof" Operator

    Тест 5: "undefined", "null" & "NaN"

    50. Importing Scripts Correctly with "defer" & "async"

    51. Importing JavaScript - Summary

    52. Wrap Up

    53. Useful Resources & Links

  3. 3. Efficient Development & Debugging

    54. Module Introduction

    55. Efficient Development & Debugging - An Overview

    56. Configuring the IDE Look & Feel

    57. Using Shortcuts

    58. Working with Auto-Completion & IDE Hints

    59. Installing IDE Extensions

    60. Tweaking Editor Settings

    61. Utilizing Different IDE Views

    62. Finding Help & Working with MDN

    63. The ECMAScript Standard

    64. How to "google" Correctly

    65. Debugging JavaScript - An Overview

    66. An Error Message! No Reason To Panic!

    67. Using console.log() to look "into the Code"

    68. Next-Level Debugging with the Chrome Devtools & Breakpoints

    69. Testing Code Changes Directly in the Devtools

    70. Debugging Code directly Inside VS Code

    71. Wrap Up

    72. Useful Resources & Links

  4. 4. Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)

    73. Module Introduction

    74. Introducing "if" Statements & Boolean (Comparison) Operators

    75. Using Booleans in Conditions & More on Text Comparisons

    76. Using "if" Statements

    77. Working with "if", "else" and "else-if"

    78. Beware When Comparing Objects & Arrays for Equality!

    79. The Logical AND and OR Operators

    80. Understanding Operator Precedence

    Тест 6: if & Boolean Operators - The Basics

    81. Beyond true/ false: "Truthy" and "Falsy" Values

    82. Coercion vs Conversion

    Тест 7: Falsy and Truthy Values

    83. Setting Up a Bigger Example Project (The "Monster Killer")

    84. Adding an "Attack" Function

    85. Using "if" Statements for Checking the Win-Condition

    86. Adding More "if" Statements & A "Strong Attack" Functionality

    87. Time for a "Heal Player" Functionality!

    88. Controlling the Conditional Bonus Life (Without Boolean Operators!)

    89. Adding a "Reset Game" Functionality

    90. Validating User Input

    91. Utilizing Global Constants as Identifiers in Conditional Code

    92. Adding a Conditional Battle Log

    93. Introducing the Ternary Operator

    94. A Bit of Theory: Statements vs Expressions

    95. Logical Operator "Tricks" & Shorthands

    96. Logical Operators - A Quick Summary

    Тест 8: Logical Operators & How They Work

    97. Working with the "switch-case" Statement

    98. Introducing Loops

    99. The "for" Loop

    100. The "for-of" Loop

    101. The "for-in" Loop

    102. The "while" & "do-while" Loops

    Тест 9: Loops - Basics

    Задание 3: Time to Practice: Control Structures

    103. Controlling Loops with "break"

    104. Controlling Iterations with "continue"

    105. More Control with Labeled Statements

    Тест 10: break & continue

    106. Error Handling with "try-catch" - An Introduction

    107. Throwing Custom Errors

    108. Working with "try-catch" to Catch & Handle Errors

    Тест 11: Error Handling

    109. Wrap Up

    110. Useful Resources & Links

  5. 5. Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript

    111. Module Introduction

    112. ES5 vs ES6+ ("Next Gen JS") - Evolution of JavaScript

    113. var vs let & const - Introducing "Block Scope"

    114. Understanding "Hoisting"

    115. Strict Mode & Writing Good Code

    Тест 12: "JavaScript Specialties"

    116. How Code is Parsed & Compiled

    117. Inside the JavaScript Engine - How the Code Executes

    118. [DEEP DIVE] JavaScript Language vs Browser APIs

    119. Primitive vs Reference Values

    120. Garbage Collection & Memory Management

    121. Wrap Up

    122. Useful Resources & Links

  6. 6. More on Functions

    123. Module Introduction

    124. Recapping Functions Knowledge - What We Know Thus Far

    125. Parameters vs Arguments

    126. Functions vs Methods

    127. Functions are Objects!

    128. Function Expressions: Storing Functions in Variables

    129. Function Expressions vs Function Declarations

    130. Anonymous Functions

    131. Working on the Project: Adding User Choices to the Game

    132. Implementing the Core Game Logic

    133. Introducing Arrow Functions

    134. Different Arrow Function Syntaxes

    Тест 13: Creating Functions

    135. Outputting Messages to the User

    136. Default Arguments in Functions

    137. Introducing Rest Parameters ("Rest Operator")

    138. Creating Functions Inside of Functions

    139. Understanding Callback Functions

    Задание 4: Time to Practice: Functions

    140. Working with "bind()"

    Тест 14: Functions - Advanced

    141. Adding bind() to the Calculator Project

    142. call() and apply()

    143. Wrap Up

    144. Useful Resources & Links

  7. 7. Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript

    145. Module Introduction

    146. What's the "DOM"?

    147. Document and Window Object

    148. Understanding the DOM and how it's created

    149. Nodes & Elements - Querying the DOM Overview

    150. Selecting Elements in the DOM

    151. Summary: Node Query Methods

    152. Exploring and Changing DOM Properties

    153. Attributes vs Properties

    154. Selecting Multiple Elements & Summary

    Тест 15: DOM Basics

    Задание 5: Time to Practice: DOM Querying

    155. Traversing the DOM - Overview

    156. Traversing Child Nodes

    157. Using parentNode & parentElement

    158. Selecting Sibling Elements

    159. DOM Traversal vs Query Methods

    160. Styling DOM Elements

    161. Creating Elements with JS - Overview

    162. Adding Elements via HTML in Code

    163. Adding Elements via createElement()

    164. Inserting DOM Elements

    165. Cloning DOM Nodes

    166. Live Node Lists vs Static Node Lists

    167. Removing Elements

    168. Insertion & Removal Method Summary

    169. Summary: Insert, Replace, Remove

    170. Setting Up the Practice Project

    171. Selecting the Modal and "Add" Button

    172. Opening a Modal by Changing CSS Classes

    173. Controlling the Backdrop

    174. Fetching and Validating User Input

    175. Creating a Movie in JavaScript & Clearing the Input

    176. Rendering Movie Items on the Screen

    177. Deleting Movie Elements

    178. Showing & Hiding the "Are you sure?" Dialog

    179. Starting with the Confirmation Logic

    180. Finishing the App

    181. Wrap Up

    182. Useful Resources & Links

  8. 8. More on Arrays & Iterables

    183. Module Introduction

    184. What are "Iterables" and "Array-like Objects"?

    185. Creating Arrays

    186. Which Data Can You Store In Arrays?

    187. push(), pop(), unshift(), shift() - Adding & Removing Elements

    188. The splice() Method

    189. Selecting Ranges & Creating Copies with slice()

    190. Adding Arrays to Arrays with concat()

    191. Retrieving Indexes with indexOf() /& lastIndexOf()

    192. Finding Stuff: find() and findIndex()

    193. Is it Included?

    194. Alternative to for Loops: The forEach() Method

    195. Transforming Data with map()

    196. sort()ing and reverse()ing

    197. Filtering Arrays with filter()

    198. Where Arrow Functions Shine!

    199. The Important reduce() Method

    200. Chaining Methods in JavaScript

    201. Arrays & Strings - split() and join()

    202. The Spread Operator (...)

    203. Understanding Array Destructuring

    204. Maps & Sets - Overview

    205. Working with Sets

    206. Working with Maps

    207. Maps vs Objects

    208. Understanding WeakSet

    209. Understanding WeakMap

    Задание 6: Time to Practice: Arrays & Iterables

    210. Wrap Up

    211. Useful Resources & Links

  9. 9. More on Objects

    212. Module Introduction

    213. What's an Object?

    214. Objects & Primitive Values

    215. Objects - Recap

    216. Adding, Modifying & Deleting Properties

    217. Special Key Names & Square Bracket Property Access

    218. Property Types & Property Order

    219. Dynamic Property Access & Setting Properties Dynamically

    Тест 16: Object Properties

    220. Demo App & Shorthand Property Syntax

    221. Rendering Elements based on Objects

    222. for-in Loops & Outputting Dynamic Properties

    223. Adding the Filter Functionality

    224. Understanding "Chaining" (Property & Method Chaining)

    225. The Object Spread Operator (...)

    226. Understanding Object.assign()

    227. Object Destructuring

    228. Checking for Property Existance

    229. Introducing "this"

    230. The Method Shorthand Syntax

    231. The "this" Keyword And Its Strange Behavior

    232. call() and apply()

    233. What the Browser (Sometimes) Does to "this"

    234. "this" and Arrow Functions

    235. "this" - Summary

    Тест 17: "this"

    236. Getters & Setters

    237. Wrap Up

    238. Useful Resources & Links

  10. 10. Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

    239. Module Introduction

    240. What is "Object-oriented Programming" (OOP)?

    241. Getting Started with OOP Code

    242. Defining & Using a First Class

    243. Working with Constructor Methods

    244. Fields vs Properties

    245. Using & "Connecting" Multiple Classes

    246. Binding Class Methods & Working with "this"

    247. Adding a Cart and Shop Class

    248. Communicating Can Be Challenging!

    249. Static Methods & Properties

    250. First Summary & Classes vs Object Literals

    251. Getters & Setters

    252. Introducing Inheritance

    253. Implementing Inheritance

    254. Using Inheritance Everywhere

    255. Overriding Methods and the super() Constructor

    256. super() Constructor Execution, Order & "this"

    257. Different Ways of Adding Methods

    258. Private Properties

    259. "Pseudo-Private" Properties

    Задание 7: Time to Practice: Classes & OOP

    260. The "instanceof" Operator

    261. Built-in Classes

    262. Understanding Object Descriptors

    Тест 18: Classes

    263. Wrap Up

    264. Useful Resources & Links

  11. 11. Deep Dive Constructor Functions & Prototypes

  12. 12. Practice OOP & Classes

  13. 13. Back to the DOM & More Browser APIs

  14. 14. Working with Events

  15. 15. Advanced Function Concepts

  16. 16. More on Numbers & Strings

  17. 17. Async JavaScript Promises & Callbacks

  18. 18. Working with Http Requests

  19. 19. Working with JavaScript Libraries

  20. 20. Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)

  21. 21. JavaScript Tooling & Workflows

  22. 22. Utilizing Browser Storage

  23. 23. JavaScript & Browser Support

  24. 24. Time to Practice Share My Place App

  25. 25. Working with JavaScript Frameworks

  26. 26. Meta-Programming Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API

  27. 27. Node.js An Introduction

  28. 28. Security

  29. 29. Deploying JavaScript Code

  30. 30. Performance & Optimizations

  31. 31. Introduction to Testing

  32. 32. Roundup & Next Steps

  • 939
  • 05 ноября 2019, 15:46


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